I am just coming back from a long break, is there a list of these changes that I would need to make? I dont oppose to doing them, I just dont want...
While your fixing, could you add alchemy stations to being lockette-able?
Sorry, I was not aware there was any drama about it here, I will stop talking about it.
May I ask why? It seams to have same features and more. As much as I LOVE lockette Acru seams busy with life and such (as we all are). It may be...
Found EconXP but it does not support regiser which is used with many of my plugins including towny. The plugin sounds simple and easy enough to...
Thank you much! Sorry I have been away for work, I will make sure to pass the link on to the person I left in charge!
Thanks will test tonight. Sorry, forgot to tag yah ><
If possible, can you add a use perm? I want this only usable in my creative world ><.
Would love for them to be 'rare', 1/100 would likely work well enough for me.
1.8 map, not the server itself. We choose not to regenerate the map. I spawned a couple and they did not despawn on normal ground.
My bad, was looking for a 'end reset' folder not 'V10lator'. Lota extra folders in my test server I need to clean out >_> Will test now. OK, got...
Thanks, but that was first time running the plugin. Your plugin never generated a folder/config.
We are still using our 1.8 map, was wondering if someone could set up a quick plugin to have mooshrooms to be a rare spawn? This will likely be...
Try worldguard and blacklist the eye of ender item. Simple way that im doing for now. Getting this on startup: 2011-11-27 11:21:21 [INFO]...
A few requests: Sign Shops - Out of date as of 1337, Great plugin. Creative Gates - Good plugin, Kademlia has made a little fix on the plugin...
Separate names with a comma.