Use these to check if the weather change: LINK ;)
You can find out permission is inherited by a group or has been awarded to the player with the API?
if(plugin.Permissions.getGroupPermissionBoolean(world.getName(),plugin.Permissions.getGroup(world.getName(), invPlayer.getName()),...
if(plugin.Permissions.has(player, "weather.admin.invulnerable")) { if(invPlayer != null) {...
So it don't reload the settings properly. Once It remove the permit it doesn't add more.
20 ticks ~ 1 second
For rain: player.getWorld().setStorm(true); player.getWorld().setThundering(false); player.getWorld().setWeatherDuration(<time in ticks>); For...
Good addUserPermissions works perfectly: if(plugin.Permissions.has(player, "weather.admin.invulnerable")) { World world =...
How does it work this method? plugin.Permissions.addUserPermission(String string, String string1, String string2);
I'm trying to make a plugin: WeatherControl I added the option to disable the command "strike" at one player until the server is restarted and...
How many seconds is a "Tick"?
And... you can also add the permission to control damage (on\off) caused by lightning? For example: default > No...
Just a bit. xD
Can you add reward for Electrified Creeper?
Separate names with a comma.