Ignoring the fact that your using MCPC+ or whatever (since its completely irrelevant) I would store the data for each player in their own config...
If they are two separate listings, you need to set them both up independently. Both servers will generate a public.key and private.key. The...
That doesn't work for faction chat. /f chatspy would spy on faction chat
What you are looking for is SignChangeEvent public void onSignChangeEvent(SignChangeEvent event)
This should work for ya. @EventHandler Public void onClick(PlayerInteractEvent event){ Player p = event.getPlayer(); if...
You should check to see if the sender is actually a player because if someone tries to run that in console it will spit out an error, also just...
If they use more than one arg though you have to replace the spaces with "+"
No problem.
divide the number by 100
Famous Guy if(commandLabel.equalsIgnoreCase(freeze)) That should be if(commandLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("freeze")) and what does your plugin.yml look...
main should be main: me.FamousGuy2.Healing.Healing
Think of a path like directories on your computer, each word that has a ":" after it would be like a directory and then the containing contents....
Ok so.... You have a few problems here: public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String, commandLabel, String [] args){ Player...
I would do something like String input = (howeveryouaregettingtheinput); try{ Int num = Integer.parseInt(input); }catch(NumberFormatException...
half of which are annotations, blank lines, or imports
Separate names with a comma.