DoctorDark wydgabriel Other way round. if (p.getInventory().getContents().length == 0) { //Inventory is empty } else { //Inventory is not...
Multiverse config
InspectorFacepalm Yes, but the problem with an incorrect example is that from experience, people copy and paste examples, which is bad.
DarkBladee12 Fine. Yes, but for beginners my way is easier and it works.
DarkBladee12 @EventHandler public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent evt) { if (freeze.contains(evt.getPlayer().getName()) { Location back =...
Pink__Slime Well, that's not how I did it, look at your code example coded by you yourself, not me - I just explained to you what that would do...
UnlikeAny Lol, I've been helping here for over a year now, from the start of the post you can tell who will get the hints and who won't listen and...
InspectorFacepalm You didn't add any return statements in your command DarkBladee12 Yes, but does that stay if the player drinks milk?
Lauryman Don't cast an Event to Player. event.getPlayer() is there :) Pink__Slime No reason to cast to player - event.getPlayer() returns...
Pink__Slime What that will do is it will loop through all users online and send the x number of messages (where x is the amount of admins online)...
Pink__Slime - the reason you're getting the ArrrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is because args doesn't contain args[1], which throws the exception....
TheUpdater That's because you've casted sender to a player, then checked if it's a BlockCommandSender - these events are mutually exclusive: if...
int currentKills = getConfig().getInt("Stats.players." + killed.getKiller().getName() + ".Kills"); getConfig().set("Stats.players." +...
Instead of having that stuff the people above suggested, simply use: getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); saveConfig(); in onEnable() - all...
Things that could be null on that line: getConfig() daship the string returned by getConfig().getString() Well, the most likely is daship -...
Separate names with a comma.