Be aware, if this happens again its because of your firewall (if you have one) I turned mine to "game mode" and my server started up correctly if...
Hello, I recently made a new work using the tool WorldPainter to create a hill-like terrain world for my new server and removing every plugin in...
Check your firewall turn it off or put it in "gaming mode" if you have that
Thats what I thought it was....ok thanks!
Hello Community, Recently I've been having an issue ever since the 1.4.4 dev build up to the recommended build 1.4.5 my server has been crashing...
Well, exactly what the title says how about a plugin that slows basicly any monster and/or player around you giving yourself realtime speed and...
Thank You very much MasterPromote works like a charm ;)
Hello, I was just wondering if there was an easy working newcomer friendly plugin for bukkit to auto promote users perhaps at a click of a button.
Basicly im trying to get the (<magicspells.cast.spellname:>, <magicspells.grant.spellname:>, <magicspells.learn.spellname:>) to work as of now not...
I have seen this format before I think it has something to do with the yaml file for both plugins other than that idk what your talking about, I...
Ok thinks!
Both my dedicated and me have windows but the other one has intel.. heres the full specs on my dedicated or atleast the specs they give out. Dual...
Well good point but as you can see above it indeed works on my local server.
I was just wondering is their a way to decrease the RAM usage of Citizens?
Hello I recently started configuring my essentials and automessenger for essentials theres an option to change the currency symbol for example its...
Separate names with a comma.