@TrainYourBrain Just tested >> /v turn MyName trueblood(didn't know about the "trueblood" part) Sucessfully turned me into a True Blood and I...
Extra damage from Iron(Closest to Silver than Gold in Minecraft,IMO) to Werewolfs? I like the Idea of extra resistance and regeneration, but...
Must be something that I did wrong but: I made that Common dont trigger necrosis and dont take Sunlight Damage The oposite is true to...
Awesome plugin thanks for maintaining it. 2 suggestions: 1ยบ How about the vampire sacrificing some amount of resources(Redstone, glowstone,...
OMG! Just what I was looking for. The map of my server are pretty much "some dirt some sand and lots of water", and I was always worried of some...
I may have noticed a little bug earlier today...I tried to activate the Warrior charge and my character got a lot "heavier". Slower movement and...
I would love to configure this Beast a little more. Like the Blink ability. Also just a suggestion... how about adding the 2 races Elf and Dwarf...
I found a bug o_o. I happened to target a Pig underwater(2blocks of water) and casted a Bolt lvl 1 on it. 3 Zombie Pigmen Spawned o_O. Just...
Also...how are you making the character lose sanity? Just seeing a creeper trigger or seeing a creeper up close? There is a Block distance limit...
You saw the Vampire plugin here at bukkit? I noticed that during the transformation (take days) the character do all kinds of things like run in...
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