i just deleted the users from essentials and it worked :) thanks jtlcr
anyone that can help?
im running: AutoRegionGuard, BigBrother, Essentials, iConomy, Jobs, LWC, SignColours,WorldEdit, WorldGuard. but there havent been trouble before now?
on my server, i dont know why, but my admins, including myself got Godmode on, which cant be turned off even with /ungod or /god, even thou it...
oh ;D its working now :) thank you EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
i dont get what u mean by that? could u post the config file according to the one at my other post? i dont really understand it, sry :/
i did that :/ cant get it working, or am i doing someathing wrong? i get same error as kiwi
same error as u Sroxah :S
i cant find the instructions for it anyways
well thanks for the useless answer, if i really knew about theese "instructions" do u really think i would go in here and ask for help?
ive seen some servers where u just connect to a no-ip (example.no-ip.org) how do u do that? so people dont have to connect to IPs and instead just...
super its in the essentials config :)
i just updated the essentials plugin, same thing happends :S and i wish i knew how to get general and all that working :S but ive tried and...
1. running windows 7 2. 64 bit 3. java version 1.6.0_21 5. build 239 6. @echo off start /b javaw -Xincgc -Xmx2G -jar crafty.jar im using...
for some reason i cant use the /time command? whenever i type it my server just shuts down, no warnings or errors..
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