I'm having trouble rotating player npcs (setting yaw/pitch) using NamedEntitySpawnPacket from the protocollib packetwrapper class for 1.8. I've...
Thanks. I should have looked through the API more thorougly.
I'm not sure, but is it possible to stop zombie pigman from entering minecarts? For example, you place a minecart under them, they'll enter it. If...
That won't work with a sign. As I said, A sign's blockface is SELF by default.
This isn't really the section for that
If you're doing what I think you're doing. I'd recommend using a hashmap and just storing the player-name/team and then checking if they're inside...
I don't understand how this helps me. If it was this simple I woudn't need help. Sign directions by default are self, which makes it difficult to...
I'm using playerinteractevent and I have it so when they right click the sign it will make a chest and take money, great. Everything is working, I...
can't believe I missed that, thanks. resolved
Edit: Resolved
Try converting list to string and sending a message and see what it looks like. Same with chunk2
I'm going to try editing the bounding box and see where that gets me, I'll update this thread after trying
Use int addcoins = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); Surround this with a try/catch for NumberFormatException - If the arg isn't a number it will throw...
Integer.parseInt(String s) I advise you go through and look at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Integer.html
I wish height float wasn't removed :(, Oddly enough, setting length and width to 0 does basically nothing
Separate names with a comma.