I am looking to get the location X blocks ahead of a player's eye location (the X will change). I currently use math with quite a few cos, sin,...
Okay, lastly; What do you mean by this^?
So basically I have 2 columns; user ID #1 and user ID #2, and that represents a friendship. Then I can run two queries such as: "SELECT userID1...
I am wondering how a typical network with your generic 'Friends' system would handle using this friends system with a MySQL database. I assume...
Your code could use a nice CTRL+SHIFT+F in eclipse too
Okay, thanks for everything! I really appreciate it all :).
@mythbusterma Wow, thanks for that amazing reply man. I'd give you 10 likes if possible lmao. So I guess I'll avoid SSL. I'll use an API I'll...
EDIT: Do what the other person said, I was wrong^
I use a MySQL but I want to change to be pretty much instant. The current feature of the project I'm working on that requires the need for this is...
Alright, take your time! I found a place to start learning the Netty basics so I'll be doing that for now. Thanks a lot though :D
I will be sending information such as rank change updates, currency change updates, etc. between servers. Therefore, I want to prevent against...
@flash1110 Why not just copy the map files (from a folder where you can store all of the maps) and then load the world with Bukkit once the files...
Anytime you send a player a message it will create a new line in chat, so you'd need to create the string and then send it if you wish to have all...
String message = ""; for(String key : getConfig().getConfigurationSection("list").getKeys(false)){ String one =...
I have a project which will require me to securely communicate with other bukkit servers in a network. I do not want to use the plugin message...
Separate names with a comma.