Sorry about bumping this old thread, but just had to say, loved the maplestory music xD
This is pretty good! On another note, does anybody know if dinnerbone is still working on updating craftbukkit?
Edit: (it doesn't let my edit my message btw) I was looking at the craftbukkit 1.6.4 version -_-, I'll update you when I change my code to make it...
Hello bukkit community, I'm trying to damage an EntityLiving[instance(class)] with armor calculated in. In the class I see the d(DamageSource,...
Is this project still being worked on?
Do you know why this isn't working? Iterator<String> localIterator; for (Iterator<Entry<Something, Integer>> i =...
You have to re-import a new bukkit build I presume, try that
Jensui I don't know if you still do these but if you could I would really appreciate it!
I'm using this Map<ItemStack, Integer> poop = new HashMap<ItemStack, Integer>(); to value my items, I add them with poop.put(ItemStack, value);...
File file = new File("plugins" + File.separator + "<pluginname>" + File.separator + "config.yml"); FileConfiguration theconfig =...
I need a list of all blocks that rely on another block. Ex: Vine, Rail, Redstone torch, ladder, etc. If anybody could link me to a list like this,...
I tried that, it wasn't pretty..there were alot of errors with the this.plugin or where "this" is, and also, it didn't work, if you really think...
well I have that first Bukkit runnable that regens the blocks, but now I need another one, and this one is for another list, and its supposed to...
Sorry to ask more of this, but now I need to do a bukkitrunnable again :P, but a little while after the first one, I tried many different ways,...
Well thanks, I just will use yours, and also for future reference I'm sure you just forgot it, but make sure to cancel the runnable xD, in this...
Separate names with a comma.