Do the cursed blocks automatically start spreading from pre-existing spawners?
xD that only downloads the latest file for from the bukkit website....and only the reported links. People send links with .zip folders to that all...
That sounds like an Anti-Xray feature.
....Edit it if you don't like it?
@maetthew Yeah the basic concepts I think being the same would be excellent. I use this:...
Anyway to add multiple items support and add a random chance rate?
@Naitsirhc Hsem I'm also having the same problem as Pezmc. I'm running bukkit build 953 and 1.9.2 of your plugin. I am also wondering if it isn't...
How does it come along?
So seriously? Support this xD!
@freman or at least add in the option to change what level it looks above?
Oddly enough my previous problem from above stopped spamming only to be replaced with this now: at...
11:54:44 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to DreamLand java.lang.NullPointerException at...
Even though I read your vacation message I better post this suggestion up here before I forget it. Add items support. eg: woodplank stick 25...
996 is NOT a recommended build. It would be a Very bad idea to update this to a dev-bukkit build.
Separate names with a comma.