Farewell Luke. You were a good sysadmin. See you ! :)
Just test this for XenForo: I only pasted the forum section. +1 EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double...
I experienced these annoying Read timed out errors and I found it was due to bugs in chunks. So I tried to repair my map with Chunkster. I have no...
Tested with CraftBukkit #956 (so Minecraft 1.7.2), no problem at all :)
2011-06-27 16:35:08 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins/iAuction.jar' in folder 'plugins': java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:...
It seems since CraftBukkit #928, when iAuctions is loaded, /money is broken and is not anymore a known command. If I run CraftBukkit without...
Hey ! Nice to see proxy evolution :D I have some questions. I have 3 proxy. They have 'reconnect connects password blabla' as some options. My...
And also when using map item there are so strange things I cannot describe them, it also crashes the client.
Fuzze, do you think you will have time to release sources soon (by using GitHub or include sources in .jar for example). I know you will try in...
Hmm I read again your wiki Permissions page and I don't see what I miss :)
Hello, I tested with these permissions only: - warp.sign.create.* - warp.sign.to.* My players cannot use sign to teleport, until I also...
Really good plugins. My users appreciate it. I have a request: Is it possible to have a configurable delay and cooldown for home command? So users...
Is there any way to keep online-mode=on on servers ? The fact is I need mcbans and mcbans does not work if online-mode=off :eek: I use ServerPort...
You rocks :)
FuzzeWuzze, I suggest you to modify or even remove this condition in src/ca/xshade/bukkit/towny/event/TownyBlockListener.java in block...
Separate names with a comma.