Love it! Especially the nexus idea.
You might wanna keep an eye at a plugin i'm developing, because i'm kinda sharing your perspective: [MEDIA]...
Its not an error, you forgot to register the command /basic This needs to be done in plugin.yml and also in your plugin main class (if you are...
Store your hologram in a Map Map<UUID, Hologram> holograms = new HashMap<>(); Then retrieve it later within your method public void...
I'm going to take a look at UltraTrader on how they add items to inventory, if they completely replace the lore, then i would be kinda lost.. My...
It really looks more complex than it is, but basicly it only provides a way to place schematics using WorldEdit and AsyncWorldEdit (for...
I could make the holographic displays optional as they are just there to quickly view the id and name of the structure (There is a command that...
Shame, my menu breaks in 1.7.2...(Which works completly fine in 1.7.9) What extra's are you talking about?
Im currently developing something similar, It's for bukkit 1.6.4 at the moment until I get...
List<Entity> witnesses = event.getEntity().getNearbyEntities(10, 10, 10); for(Entity y : witnesses){ ... witnesses.add(name); ... } You are...
I am stuck on the same problem... The event.setCancelled method worked in 1.6.4 for me, but in 1.7.2 it doesnt do anything. What version are you...
Even if it was possible the plugins wouldn't work properly or crash. Any variable, List, instance created by a plugin in is stored in the ram...
I don't know if inventory.getName() does the same as inventory.getTitle() (it probably does), but when i faced a similar problem I used getTitle()...
The only thing i can think of is that you compile your programs without the dependent libraries. Try Right-Click your project -> properties ->...
The best thing you can do is giving the inventory a (unique) title to recognize it. So only cancel the event if the player was clicking in your...
Separate names with a comma.