the beds don't work!!
i get this when people join 10:11:29 [INFO] fzerox [/] logged in with entity id 577 10:11:29 [SEVERE] Could not pass event...
how do i set the tipe yp H2 and what build of bukkit shoud i use also what files does it need to download as it can not downlaod some files EDIT...
help,:mad: i am using mysql, and it has made the rows in the database but add no data to them rows i realy need this to work! as i think one of my...
everyting works it has made the bbdata bbworld but it add not data to ant of the tables! i get this 18:53:20 [INFO] [BBROTHER] BBData MySQL...
:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:WHAT!!! IT DOSE NOT WORK!! it has made all the mysql table but then it does not add any data?????? some one please help!!!
yay i love it! i can now play minecraft! as i was going mad as i did not have a sever! - i started eating my clothes i was that boared
i am :mad: at notch!! i going to eat [cake] in the game to calm my self down!!! can you do a sever for 1.5 but put it in a unstable/test sever...
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