So the only possibility is to make enderDragon travel from Point A to a Point B all the time ? Edit: Or a fictitious entity ?
It doesn't work :( But with the remotte debugging, i saw that the EnderDragon doesn't call the Event (and all the mob). The event was called when...
Not ? e.setCancelled(true);
Yep', that wasn't indicated but yes, i registered event with @eventhandler Edit: I had it on the first post
Hi guys ! Here's is my problem: I want to make the EnderDragon nice but "angry" when a player hit him. I've try with the folowing code:...
dude, i thought that the wither skull was the wither skeleton (I'm French !). You just save me ! Thaaaannks !
Thanks ! So i can't set an equipment and the max health of a wither skull ?
So, if it should work, why i have this: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_6.entity.CraftWitherSkull cannot be cast to org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity...
Hi everybody ! I just have a little problem. Bukkit has change the method for spawning mob from spawnCreature to spawnEntity. The disadvantage...
Thanks a lot !
Hi evreybody ! Since 2h, i search on Google and Bukkit JavaDoc how to set the Armor and the Item in Hands of a Zombie (from LivingEntity). So,...
Because that will create the same method from the other class. But i won't re-create methods that already exists in other class.
Hi evrybody ! I need your help today ! I have one interface and several Class. I use all method of all the Class but the interface wanna create...
Hi, I need your help because i don't know how to do Multiple sign with a Flat File. I know how to do 1 sign with a specific path (for example:...
Love it so much !! Thanks !! It's too easy... I love you !
Separate names with a comma.