Still don't work, same exact problems :S
not working for me. I have Essentials, and Vault installed, along with the permissions -* in my PEX permissions .yml file. Anyone...
For some reason my PermissionsEx doesn't even load. It says it does, but none of the other plugins detect it, and all of the configuration doesn't...
OH, thanks :D
So whats with the lines? they look janky, || || V |||||||||||||||||Calvissuperman: sup
I've been getting a lot of things just like this, passing them on to any of my plugins. Player interact to mchat, player damage to mean admins, a...
All that needs to happen to get integration from mods and bukkit, is bukkit needs to run from the minecraft_server.jar, not it's own .jar file....
Once again, no one understands what im saying XD Heres a diagram from sky veiw stonestonestonestone <- want portal there torch...
You did not read my post fully, I said torches act like a full block, so it wont let you shoot a portal really close to a torch because its a full...
I think you should push towards the NPC based Levels, I would really like to have NPC's on my server, but this is the only plugin that supports...
BLOCK_PLACE event is still spamming the console, anyone know why this is? I have both Runecraft and Permissions installed and I plan on keeping them.
Another thing I noticed is the portal gun very much dislikes torches :P I have a ton of them in my house, so its practically impossible to place...
What you need with this plugin is making specific areas that allow portals. I really like this, but I dont want everyone in my world able to put...
where it says worlds: world, i have mine like this worlds: world,netherworld,
Separate names with a comma.