created a forum thread in here... u can just post problems here instead of in
oh hey...about your problem, did you read that i changed the roles-requirement to rolesRequirement and also the roles-category to rolesCategory?...
i updated the fix...roles 2.0.1 is up
maybe after i'm done with my project i will continue this, if no one wanna take over this project
xD...whats the point of this plugin?
i made a recoded plugin to support pex please test it cause i didnt test it yet. and tell me what...
let me have a go at it...xD Edit: Im done creating the is now only compatible to PermissionsEx, so this plugin i have does not...
whats this VIP players have that non-VIP players dont have?
i made a plugin like this...but its a 4 digit pin...not the usual passwords
creating SimpleAuth plugin...hope it will be good...xD heres the link for the SimpleAuth plugin hope you like it...
hmmm...let me take a go at it... it seems this is like a whole new plugin...yup...i will make that one and name it SPASReborn something or just...
u mean by 4 digit is 4 number right? hmmm...this is what i understand on your request...u mean only 4digit pin will be used to authenticate a...
SPAS - Simple Player Authentication System: [1060] Version: v1.0 Title says it all. SPAS plugin is a very simple plugin, for now, that prevents...
how to make the config look like this Users: <name>=<something> enablePlugin=true try searching in the plugin list first before requesting
Separate names with a comma.