garbagemule Very well explained, thanks! I really enjoy it when more advanced developers give me something worthwhile to read.
Seadragon91 Well, the full command I do is /kits remove Kit 4. Kit being the name of the kit and 4 being what I want to remove. BUMP - Still...
I'm not sure what other code I would give you. Its all in the OP. Stacktrace: org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
Seadragon91 15.06 03:25:28 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 4, Size: 3 Seems it thinks my args[2] is the...
Seadragon91 I tried that, I get an unhandled exception error when I use it.
I need to remove a integer from a list via commands. Note: The "Config" and "Debug" classes are both my own. They are just utility for handling...
KingFaris11 That is deprecated though, which is the reason I changed it to a string. Does it still work?
I need to add all the items in this integer list to the players inventory, but this doesn't seem to work. public static void giveKit(Player...
bigteddy98 Garris0n That is my own, it's basically just an utility for me to manage configs.
Basically, I'm looping through a list of ranks, pulling each name and checking it for the needed kills in order to find if it is the matching...
jusjus112 Isn't it \n
oscarshi1995 Could you explain a bit about what exactly you are wanting to do? And if you have any code please post.
Greetings all, I've just recently picked up NMS for a plugin I am creating. I need to know how I can change a players max health using NMS. Is...
mydeblob I'm just trying to understand why a Fire resist potion causes fire to stick around 0.0
Wizehh Give me about an hour and I can solve this, I'm at school at the moment so I don't have time to work it out yet.
Separate names with a comma.