Another thing, Although fire does spread, nothing really burns up. It just stays on fire without destroying the trees/wood. --- merged: Mar 5,...
I use /stopfire and then I get the message "fire spread has been globally disabled" But the fire continues to spread no matter what. HELP! I...
Oh wow! That Clone Stamp brush is amazing. Any ETA as to when it will be out?
One more try.
Is it just me or did you take /i out of the newest build? /i doesn't work for giving me items anymore.
THANK YOU! I got it working! I did have to update my essentials.
Hmm I'm not finding anything about nether portals in any of my Essentials config files. Any other suggestions. Thanks for taking the time out to...
OK I found out it's a problem with the portal. Because when I do /mvtp livestream it works. It takes me to the other world. EDIT: I'll try what...
Ok I got my permissions to work but now whenever I created a portal and go through it, on the command prompt it says I "moved wrongly" and it...
Whenever I try to use a command from the new version it says "You do not have permission to access this command" I've added the permissions to my...
Feb 16, 2011 8:09:12 PM org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer loadPlugins SEVERE: For input string: " <a...
I really have to thank the creator. I couldn't have built my huge pyramid without it. This was created by setting /v to 24. /b to s. And getting a...
I searched 1. smelt 2. instant 3. instant smelt 4. furnace And nothing came up. So I was wondering if somebody could make a plugin where...
I get this same error. I don't know what to do.
I agree with spreading out but my friends keep nagging me to op them so they can dig when we first start a map. I don't want to do that because I...
Separate names with a comma.