Here's my timings Why does my server got lag spikes often ? Like my TPS drops to 10 and goes back to... would be awesome. ^^'
it's not really a req, probably better to name it "idea". i just think about it and it will be really awesome that someone make a"MiniPets"...
hi, i apologize now for my english, i'm french. i'm just looking for something like a ChestShop limitation plugin, i expose my problem : I want...
Suggestion : it would be great to make an command to change the skin of the wolf player by player (like a cape !) like Player Editor with an MySQL...
it works perfectly for #1000 for me.. lol.
So, can someone gave me info : - My old "Permissions 3.1.5" will work with it, like essentials.kick, it will work with ?
Suggestion : make region selection Ingame, it would be awesome
still waiting for v5.
it doesn't work with SDK GunMod (we can't had money gain with the guns..)
Could you give me an older version for use with #935 pls ?
because my server had a special launcher, we are going to stay in 1.6.6 a longter time..
where can i get an older version ? because i'm in #935
when i kill a mob or open a chest furnace etc.. my game freeze, and it's the same for all my players, where is the problem ?
i can play in solo, perfectly, but not in MP .. EDIT : I havn't found an block conflict, but when i start my server, there is this : 14:39:45...
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