Hey all! I'm currently working on a successor (or so I hope) to Minecraft MobileAdmin. However, I've run into an issue. So, when the plugin is...
What MC version are you using and what CraftBukkit version are you using?
Well, then something is conflicting. It's most likely CraftBukkit and your version of EssentialsChat.
Well, that is interesting. What I learned that if you do the command (with PermissionsBukkit) "/perm player addgroup PLayerName Group", it still...
The bulding permission node is: "permissions.build: true" Or false, depending on what you want. And the admins "group" wont change your name. You...
in "<reader>", line 46, column 1: teleport-cooldown:2 ^ could not found expected ':' in "<reader>", line 48, column 1: # The delay, in seconds,...
Bump :/
Yep, now please mark this post at Solved.
Oh I hate the start script you use, never works for me. Try this: @ECHO OFF java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar "craftbukkit-1.2.3-R0.2.jar" PAUSE
For the command every so much time, get ConsoleScheduler. The second one, I don't know, sorry.
There's your problem. You got the latest recommended build of CraftBukkit, which is still in 1.1. Get 1.2 from here:...
Bump. I would really love some help.
The permisions. The permissions.yml empty error is harmless. Has nothing to do with anything. And I need a little more info on your server,...
I use the SimpleBackup plugin.
Separate names with a comma.