I have tried that but it doesn't work SOLVED: To change the item in the Flower Pot you must set the Flower Pot to air and wait 1 or more ticks,...
Hello, i have been trying to get flowers and saplings into flower pots but i'm not getting any luck. Code i have tried: FlowerPot pot =...
Thank you
For some reason when i call this: public int preGameTime = 60; public void minusPreGameTime(){ if(preGameTime <= 0){...
Sorry i meant get a value that you set to a player. For example: player.setMonster(true); boolean monster = player.isMonster();
Is it possible to make something like this? boolean value = player.getRandomValue();
Sorry for the late response, but what i am trying to do is have a minigames plugin with updating signs to show tops scores and stuff
Hi, i have been having the problem that in SignChangeEvent if you do: Sign sign = (Sign) event.getBlock().getState(); And sign.getLine(0) it...
Change: getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(ScoreBoardListener, this); To This:...
ScoreBoard/Team API Tut: https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tutorial-scoreboards-teams-with-the-bukkit-api.139655/
If you haven't already take a look at this: https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tutorial-scoreboards-teams-with-the-bukkit-api.139655/
Or: Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new playerListener, this);
Change This: public class playerListener implements Listener { To This: public class playerListener extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {...
Thank you, i fixed before i saw your post. The alerts didn't say that you posted
It looks like this event is used for hoppers, try using InventoryClickEvent
Separate names with a comma.