hi, im looking for a plugin (might already be out but i dont know of it) that can send an item/items to a player (even if he/she hasnt joined the...
hehe, it gave me the laughs when if i could turn this on one of my friends (has a hacked client) and get them to spam the chat XD
hey, @Denney when you get back to developing this plugin, could you add item ids for buildcraft possible? otherwise, nice and simple plugin and i...
lol ok, i use bpermissions (should hook into any plugin that works w/ bukkitpermissions)
lol ok, im outa being a lazy person for now, ill test it, I had my friend try it out on his server cause we were messing w/ random shtuff, Ill...
hey, the permission nodes crashed it is permissions 3
sure, Ill test it, only mods ill hav installed will be quicksign and regios, pls give me a few things to test/try (things that would hook into...
thank youuu! heres regios: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/regios/ thing is, regios is just region management to the max if you look on their...
what about a permission to give to mods/admins so that the commands will show up on their chat and anything they would say inside the chat like...
cool, what about the node for redeming? I dont want it for all.
pls integrate with regios PLEASEEEE and move to bukkit-dev so craftbukkituptodate can detect future updates!
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