sorry it has taken me so long to reply, yes it did fix the problem, since that build i have not seen or experienced any more errors regarding...
well what you said word for word is "So far, every problem I've seen has been due to another plugin or a misconfiguration" so i am sorry if i...
oh rly? few pages back someone said this is a known bug with modifyworld and they are working on fixing it in the...
ya absolutely thank you in advance for helping me im now suspecting your gonna tell me theres an error in the...
im also getting this issue using the newest dev version of bukkit, none of the players can go to the other worlds, they get the msg "you're not...
awesome thank you for your help clarifieing this, i have linked this thread from our own forums for our server to aid the players in understanding...
so as i had thought, the proper function of minecraft DOES NOT allow any server to handle any secure credentials and this Session stealer exploit...
i had thought the only place my secure credentials were sent WAS the minecraft auth servers and they simply give permission to online mode servers...
the session stealer method was the only one i was aware of xD so it sounds like they patched a different issue this time one that i didnt even...
im being told by players of my server that is the reason for the down time earlier/yesterday was to patch this exploit, i have googled my butt off...
i am also having this issue, started after i just updated, seems to me they have added the admin chat viewing ability to the default perms, these...
why are my players being told the teleport cooldown is 2 hours 46 minutes and 34 seconds, when i have it set to just 30 seconds.......
all you said was i can view an entire list from there, so looking in the video i uploaded to show you me trying to do that in mcedit the way you...
wow its amazing there was no interest for anyone to make this plugin even back when this thread was made, survival no item spawning is probly...
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