didnt no there was another IPLock...lol.. but i still like this one "IpLock" version bc me n my friends dont have any issues logging in. for me...
any luck yet?
cant download your showcase 2. cool tat seb95b half fixed your showcase 1, n i just replace seb95b NarrowtuxLib-1.2.5 with your NarrowtuxLib and...
ino spout doesnt work for 1.3 bc they havent update it yet bc of 1.3 just came out, i was just talking about ItemDisplay and saying any plugin...
i c that myself too, just delete guns.yml and let itself create a new one for ya Reasons for GunsPlus to give you errors saying is bc it could...
ok, /unload is easy to use but to bring it back to server isn't....IDK Y the HELL is wrong with the spoilers....glitched (ingame=...
are you using SpoutCraft? if not, then thats the problem, in minecraft they will be flints, and i siad there was somthing wrong with my bkup...
i posted mine up above but it needs to be modify bc it says it cant find texture for guns, it was working last week n a half until my guns...
^^^^^ROFLMFAO!!!! ino i took it out of context but this is what i saw even thou md_5 is talking about the plugin.. LOL!!! :cool: plz spoiler me...
o, i c, ok ya i have spoutcraft already and using it, less laggier (non@all) than minecraft client:cool:
ya, tats y im going throu what plugin is what in another folder to bring up my server to test them out and getting rid of the old ones. and...
idk what i did but there back, im been readding some plugins back into my other server of the same server doing a clean-up but i didnt take...
Cool, to let ya no even the weekend is over n hope ur still working on it is bc, the Annoucements plugin..... the cmds for that to alloe u to...
man, i miss the guns... it was working on Aug 2 till i was messing around with my java to get this Performance Monitor to work. i finnaly got that...
reminds me of another herobrine plugin, in that plugin u do /bh.v and u vanish from the server if ur herobrine or not.
Separate names with a comma.