In the original code that's commented out. It's a copy and paste issue. And ok I'll try that
Basically its so there can be two versions of the mob. I need to change what the subtype is before I call setUpProperties().
See the second snippet of code.
This is just a simple schematic system. It's different than world edit format. I used this for a private project, however this util...
I tried to make a "subtype" for the mob, but it seems there is no movement in the zombies that spawn. Code for the Entity import...
The load method returns what you put in "/* what goes here ;-; */". So you should have something like this....
You either use getStructure or load to get the int[][][] object. Basically the array stores the block ids. The location of the block id in the...
public void paste(int[][][] blocks, Location l){ //loop through x values for(int x = 0; x < blocks.length; x++){...
Yeah, but I figured that loading and saving is mostly a one time thing. After that the objects can be held in memory so it shouldn't affect that much.
What do you mean? Is there something wrong with using that ? Could you suggest an alternative?
"You will need this library:" - from that post. Either way I don't think it matters. I created...
Yes, but that requires another library.
Hello guys. I have a small class that I created to save, load, and paste Minecraft schematics in game. As of right now it only supports block...
I have experimented with other custom entities such as skeletons and zombies and I'm wondering how I would approach this. Is it possible? I've...
Separate names with a comma.