I made a storage building with about 10 elevators that were 1x5 and on each lvl had 4 double box's.(each elevator had I think 5 stories) You could...
Yikes! I haven't played MC for about 5 months now and was thinking of getting back into it. Is this Mod really not being maintained anymore? I'm...
... YES! that was fast!... gogo test mode! BRB!
Umm it would be awsome if you were planning on it! >.< thanks again!
When i got home from work last night I wanted to try useing only 1 lever. But before I tryed it I wanted to build some stuff on the elev to see if...
yeah.. just update'd... and just as you said 1 worked fine.. I did kill the elevator by accident tho and had to remake it real quick like. So once...
Yeah I couldn't agree more. I really like this pluggin ALOT! There are still tons of things I want to try with it. --- merged: Feb 13, 2011 9:21...
OK here we GO! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Hope Those pics help'd. It would be hella funny if there is/could-be some hella easy way...
Yep that was the first thing I try'd just outa curiosity and it wrk'd >.<. I will have to build more elevators to understand em fully, but yeah......
Very Easy to setup. I love this plug!. On a sidenote. After watching (julllleee201) 's Video,(IMO THE BETTER ONE)(it says to just ignore the RED...
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