You need to paste this in pastebin as YAML is spaceing sensitive
Here's a fairly basic way of finding out but it can vary depending on what your asking of your server.
xTigerRebornx If you don't mind me asking, how many Java for dummies did you read? and how long did you learn for? How much do you know?
What is along the Y axis and what did you make this graph with, very interesting.:) Some cool spikes, maybe players running around? restarts...
@freddyh Here is the fixed version that JaguarJo Suggested
namurt28 Please upload the file using Pastebin so we can see the formatting and check the spacing ourselves, it is likely that the spacing is...
Minecraft uses 20 TPS not 24, if you are getting 20 - 17, you server is not lagging
sgavster Thanks, didn't realise
Hi, I'm trying to generate a configuration file and i would like to put apostrophes around 'closemessage' here is what i have got...
Whithout or With saveConfig(); the error does not change IDon't think that I is the wrong error......... but just incase here is another....
Hey, I'm trying to make a Cheating plugin and when the player tries to use a command (/CheaterCheater) all I get is [23:49:04 INFO]: Client>...
KingFaris11 Thanks so much, that works to a degree, but when a player is in /quiet all other players cant talk, and the player can, also the...
Ok, what I'm trying to do is stop chat from being shown for players who have decided they don't want to see other players, i.e /quiet.
KingFaris11 Thanks, how would you do it? because what you have given me, i have tried and It didn't work (No Errors, No Canceled messages)(Also, I...
Noxyro I am now using getName(); and understand when you say I cancel it for all players, which i see. But my problem is that is does not cancel...
Separate names with a comma.