GorguZ At the very least, fix this? D: if(player.hasPermission("kram.sendkram")){ }else{ Either remove the 'else' or...
MoeMix / GorguZ The code you posted is a bit messy, as it only executes the command if the player does not have permission to run the command....
guangong4 oops, I should probably fix that. :P I also didn't realize Bukkit's Vector class is mutable, so this should account for that as well....
ko47374737 replaceAll() doesn't really do anything different from replace(). It just takes a regular expression. :P
guangong4 So basically, you want a way to iterate along a line with a custom distance? That's pretty easy. import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import...
Looks like the YAML parser can't parse the ampersand and left bracket correctly because it thinks they're configuration tokens. Try putting...
Unfortunately, this is not possible without client modification at the moment. There is a workaround (post all recent messages to the player), but...
Strange. Well, I suppose you'll have to use a plugin which does not require the beginning of the name (like Essentials). If you're writing a...
DxDy Names cannot begin with or otherwise contain spaces. The regular expression used for validating username input would be (in simplest form)...
Separate names with a comma.