Yes, be comfortable with Java before starting to learn Bukkit. Don't try to "just learn enough java to do Bukkit", it's the foundation and should...
Just do event.getProjectile() to get the arrow entity. I'm not sure what you want to do with it after that, but storing it in a list or hashmap...
@mcdorli You have a strange definition of experienced.
@teej107 Go re-read my point. I thought he WAS experienced with the Bukkit API and was making this as a joke.
@teej107 Okay then let me rephrase that to "Experienced Bukkit API user".
@UberTrigger Sorry but your code really looks like a joke. What with all the specific and absurd things you've done wrong, it's hard to believe...
scheduleSyncDelayedTask doesn't run on another thread, as far as I know, so using Thread.sleep like that is just going to stall your main thread...
@tristanthewren I... Um. Okay.
The issue (or at least one issue) is that you're creating two different instances of the Vanish class - one in registerEvents and the other in...
Your ifs and elses are in all the wrong places. This would be avoided if you were to make sure everything is indented correctly and don't try to...
@sooon_mitch Make an EventHandler method where, instead of being PlayerInteractEvent for example, it's just Event. All events inherit Event so...
@Auxilium Yeah you can use Location.multiply() which will just multiply each of the 3 values by the number you pass in. So if you pass in 0.5, it...
Get the player's location, then add whatever Y value will put the particle in the center of the player's head (it'll be about 1.5 but you'll have...
You're correctly checking if args.length is 0, but you're getting args[0] before that, making it pointless. The error when there's no player...
Separate names with a comma.