Hi, I can't create a default config ! How make it ? Escuse me for my spelling, I'm french !
I don't understand, can you me explain a little ?
I'm newbie to java, I start ... Can you write a few lines of code?
Hi, I have two events : public void tapeCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent e){ ... } public void ouvreCoffre(PlayerInteractEvent e){ ... } I...
Ok, It works : private MyPluygin plugin; public MyPluyginListener(MyPluygin plugin){ this.plugin = plugin;...
Hi, I want to check something every x minutes. I have think to make an infinite while and to use :...
I'm not sure you understand, but here is my code : @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) public void ouvreCoffre(InventoryOpenEvent...
I still have a problem with my plugin : if(!e.getViewers().get(0).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(p.getName())) This line only work with a simple chest...
I want to use a variable that has been said before in my run(). How make ?
Thank, It not more complicated than that ^^ !
Hi, When I use getTypeId(), it gives me : 17 and no 17:02 ! How make ? 4z3rty Escuse me for my spelling, I'm french !
Excuse for my late reply, but I review my BAC ^^ I have tested the code of LexLaiden and it work ! Thank all !
Ok... but how can I make ?
I generate several blocks and if I do not give the player time to leave, he was run over ... I have find the solution, use JAVA : try {...
Separate names with a comma.