Inactive [FUN/MECH] ControlORBle v2.2 - Enhance MineCraft's Experience System [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by feildmaster, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Offline


    ControlORBle v2.0
    Control your players experience​

    At the lack of plugins that actually use experience, I've created this plugin quick that I plan on updating with more features and usage.

    • Configurable Experience Loss on Death (With the ability to fine-tune by death type!)
    • Add/Remove/Set players experience
    • "Virtual Experience"
    • Configurable experience drops from monsters
    • Many more configuration options!
    View project page for more info!

    Known Bugs:
    • Experience on respawn is "glitched" until you re-join or gain/lose experience
    • Sometimes shows experience orbs that don't exist, re-join to fix.
    Change Log:
    v2.2.1 [Download]
    • Fixed dropExperience bug
    v2.2 [Download]
    • Fixed name Requires you to move old config to new folder! Or Remake your config.yml
    • Added more expLoss configurations
    • Added deLevel config (allows you to keep your level after death if false)
    • Added "expLossByTotal" to lose based off of total instead of level
    • Added "expBurn" (experience permanently lost upon death)
    v2.1.1 [Download]
    • Fixed "negative experience" bug.
    v2.1 [Download]
    • Streamlined Experience Command
      • Fixed bugs when setting experience with /exp
    • Added configurable "showTotal" when using /exp
    • Added configurable (basic) death loss percentage
      • Percent loss based on current "experience to next level"
        • eg:
          • Level 2, 0 exp, 30 experience total, 30 to next level
          • Percent: 50
          • Lose 15 experience. (30*(50/100))
          • New level: 1, 5 exp, 15 experience total.
      • Will add more options later! Including "no down-level" and "lose exp based on total experience"
    • Cleaned code.
    • More Awesomeness.
    v1.0 Tested on CB 1149

    • Players keep 100% experience on death
    • Opens up a path to new RPG usages! :eek:
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    I want a mod that lets me control XP given in PVP.

    Can you please set an option to control how much % XP killing players take from the person they kill?
  4. Offline


    I didn't have that? Thanks for telling me, I'll add it in a bit...
  5. Offline


    >exp kodekatt
    21:35:22 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Invalid syntax
    21:35:22 [INFO] [ControlORBle] /exp [player] [+|-]{exp}
    >exp kodekatt +21
    21:35:25 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Not a number
    >exp kodekatt + 21
    21:35:28 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Invalid syntax
    21:35:28 [INFO] [ControlORBle] /exp [player] [+|-]{exp}
    >exp kodekatt {exp} 
    21:36:16 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Invalid syntax
    21:36:16 [INFO] [ControlORBle] /exp [player] [+|-]{exp}
    >exp kodekatt +{2}   
    21:36:27 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Not a number
    >exp kodekatt +2  
    21:36:30 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Not a number
    >exp kodekatt +2 
    21:36:32 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Not a number
    >exp kodekatt + 2
    21:36:34 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Invalid syntax
    21:36:34 [INFO] [ControlORBle] /exp [player] [+|-]{exp}
    >exp kodekatt +1 
    21:36:37 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Not a number
    >exp kodekatt 2 
    21:36:44 [INFO] [ControlORBle] Player experience changed from 0/0 to 0/0
    >exp kodekatt 3
    Well, I can set exp to 0, but outside that, the commands appear to be quite broken, unless I'm improperly using them?
    I'm trying to do as explained, but it doesn't seem to work.
  6. Offline


    @KodeKatt : Odd... It works fine for me... What version of Java? Maybe there's differences in how the parser works..
  7. Offline


    Java Version 1.6.0_26 from Sun Microsystems Inc.
    ..wait, that's the client.. server is running.....

    root@serval:~# java -version
    java version "1.6.0_18"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8.10) (6b18-1.8.10-0+squeeze2)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)
  8. Offline


    Blazes doesn't drop orbs
  9. Offline


    Please download:

    I previously messed up Blazes, they drop Slime experience. Fixed in build 22 and later.

    KodeKatt : Please test one of those builds as well and see if that fixes it...
  10. Offline


    Can you do so there is a permission so you do not lose your xp when you die?
  11. Offline


    There already is. Check the project page.
  12. Offline


    I could not find it. I have searched for the permission node to that feature, with no luck.
  13. Offline


    That would be because it's listed in the changelog. I'll add it to the page now.
  14. Offline



    I think it is a little bit hard to configure the config file.
    I need to configure it so normal players dont get any changes on on the exp.
    Normal users should as normal lose a lot of experience when they die.
    VIP users that got the permission node to not lose their exp on death, will keep thier exp when they die.

    Can you tell me how to configure this, or even better, will you make a config file for me, that do what i want?
  15. Offline


    What do you mean by "don't get any changes on the experience"?
  16. Offline


    I mean like it is when minecraft is unchanged. You know what i mean?
  17. Offline


    You know... I should set experience to their default values.
  18. Offline


    Yeah, that would be awesome!
  19. Offline


    Can you add an option to lose a percent of exp every time players use /back?

    (an essentials plugin command that teleports you to where you died)

    Currently players are not losing any EXP when they die.
    My settings are below. Did I do anything wrong?
    The only possibly relevant mods I have installed are: Essentials, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawan, Permissions Bukkit, RespawnHealth

    I am an admin on the server and I have this in my permissions orbEnhance.keepExp:false ​
    TnT: 0
    Basic: 0
    Lightning: 0
    Drown: 0
    Fire: 0
    Void: 0
    Contact: 0
    Starve: 0
    Suicide: 0
    Lava: 0
    customExpLoss: false
    playerDelevel: true
    virtualEXP: true
    showTotal: false
    expBurn: 10
    expLossByTotal: true

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  20. Offline


    First, let me address the keepExp, it is required to add it even to admins, as people may not want their admins keeping experience on death.​
    For expLoss: You will need to set "basic" to a number between 0-100, the higher it is, the more experience is lost.

    if you set customExpLoss: true, you can have every type of death set to it's own custom number
  21. Offline


    Ok, TY, Exp loss and deleveling is working now.

    But, sometimes when I die (usually if I have not died for a while) , I get leveled up to 50. Disconnecting and Reconnecting does not fix my level, but dying or enchanting does lower it. Additionally when a player dies they drop half their exp on the ground due to vanilla rules. If this mod lets you keep your exp, I suggest turning this off.


    Oh and what my settings are currently is below.

    Creeper: 80
    Silverfish: 20
    Spider: 30
    Enderman: 80
    Giant: 80
    Wolf: 20
    CaveSpider: 50
    Zombie: 20
    PigZombie: 40
    Slime: 20
    Skeleton: 40
    Ghast: 200
    TnT: 10
    Basic: 10
    Lightning: 10
    Drown: 10
    Fire: 10
    Void: 10
    Contact: 10
    Starve: 10
    Suicide: 10
    Lava: 10
    customExpLoss: true
    playerDelevel: true
    virtualEXP: false
    showTotal: true
    expBurn: 10
    expLossByTotal: true
    Chicken: 2
    Sheep: 2
    Pig: 2
    Squid: 5
    Cow: 2
  22. Offline


    Not sure about the other stuff you said but...
    This is a client bug. :) No experience is actually dropped.
  23. Offline


    I went from level 40 to 46 picking up exp off the ground when I went back to my corpse. I suppose its a possibility they belong to the monsters I was killing, or just the client bug. This is not as big of a deal as players becoming instant 50 on death though. I think the instant 50 has to do with enchanting....If I am able to consistently replicate the instant level 50 issue ill give you a step by step here.
  24. Offline


    That's odd. I believe I fixed any bugs with regards to that.
  25. Offline


    Just found this mod when looking for something I could use to give exp for mining ore blocks; exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for making this.
  26. Offline


    You'll need to implement your own way of making sure no one abuses it at the moment..!
  27. Offline


    The easiest thing I can think of really is to add another block for each ore type and make it so when you mine a block of ore it drops the new block instead of dropping itself. You'd have to rewire some smelting and crafting recipes for that as well.
  28. Offline


    It works with bukkit 2034 (or later) ?
  29. Offline


    Love this plugin.
    Made my Server 5xEXP
    its funny
  30. Offline


    Great plugin! The only thing that I can suggest to add to it would be to make it multi world compatible, so you can allow for plugins like multiverse.
  31. Offline


    what would it do? There's simply too many settings for per-world settings. Unless... You think it'd be better like that.

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