I need help setting up my permissions.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Oathdynasty, Feb 4, 2012.

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    Hey guys, I haven't used CraftBukkit for like, a year or so , so I'm pretty rusty. I need help setting up my permissions to run my server, and I remember using one program was hell. I had to manually put everything in groups and whatnot, and it took a while, and I had a lot of trouble. So is there a permissions plugin that is really easy/user friendly? If not, I need some help setting up my permissions.

    Thanks a ton in advance.
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    I've heard that bPermissions is much easier to set up. Never used it personally, but I believe it does have a feature that will sniff out all the plugins' permission nodes and configure everything for you. Like I said though, I can't speak for how well the auto-config works. And for something as important as permissions, you may want to at least double-check how it configured it, if not just buckle down and do it yourself manually.
  3. Offline


    Could you maybe help me with setting it up manually? Or upload your permissions files to make it easier?
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    I would strongly recommend bPermissions. I used PermissionsEX. It worked fine...until I started using parent nodes and child nodes. PEX does not support SuperPerms FULLY, and mirrors some stuff. Ask some people about it if you don't understand, because I'm not sure either. NOTE: This groups.yml (permissions basically) only works for bPermissions. Also, make sure you select groups.yml and users.yml in YOUR WORLD THAT YOU WANT TO EDIT, because the files in the root of bPermissions folder is example OR global files, if you set it in the config. The global files will overwrite the other permissions, so I don't use it.
    Here is mine:
    default: Guest
        - AntiGuest.*
        - ^bukkit.command.op.give
        - ^bukkit.command.op.take
        - ^bukkit.command.reload
        - ^bukkit.command.save.disable
        - ^bukkit.command.save.enable
        - ^bukkit.command.save.perform
        - ^bukkit.command.stop
        - ^commandbook.clear.other
        - ^commandbook.gamemode.change.other
        - ^commandbook.rocket.other
        - ^commandbook.setspawn
        - ^commandbook.slap.other
        - ^commandbook.spawnmob.many
        - ^commandbook.thor
        - ^commandbook.time.lock
        - ^worldedit.butcher
        - ^worldedit.superpickaxe
        - ^worldguard.region.bypass.world
        - bukkit.command
        - commandbook.*
        - group.Admin
        - herochat.color
        - hsp.admin
        - hsp.full
        - magiccarpet.*
        - tracks.admin # all four tracks below give this group the tracks: admin, member, mod, and vip.
        - tracks.member
        - tracks.mod
        - tracks.vip
        - vanish.nofollow
        - vanish.nointeract
        - vanish.nopickup
        - vanish.vanish
        - worldedit.*
        - worldguard.*
        groups: []
          priority: '90'
          prefix: '&4[Admin] '
        - AntiGuest.chat
        - AntiGuest.hunger
        - AntiGuest.interact
        - AntiGuest.monster
        - AntiGuest.movement
        - AntiGuest.vehicle
        - ^AntiGuest.spam
        - ^factions.kit.fullplayer
        - bukkit.command.help
        - commandbook.time.check
        - commandbook.who
        - factions.kit.halfplayer
        - group.Guest
        - hsp.basic
        - hsp.home.bedsethome
        groups: []
          priority: '5'
          prefix: '&9[Guest] '
        - AntiGuest.*
        - ^AntiGuest.spam
        - bukkit.command.help
        - commandbook.away
        - commandbook.call
        - commandbook.motd
        - commandbook.msg
        - commandbook.rules
        - commandbook.time.check
        - commandbook.warp.remove
        - commandbook.warp.set
        - commandbook.warp.teleport
        - commandbook.who
        - group.Member
        - hsp.full
        - hsp.home.bedsethome
        - lwc.protect
        groups: []
          priority: '10'
          prefix: '[Member] '
          suffix: '[Noob :D] '
        - AntiGuest.*
        - ^AntiGuest.spam
        - ^worldedit.butcher
        - ^worldedit.superpickaxe
        - ^worldguard.region.bypass.*
        - bukkit.command.help
        - commandbook.away
        - commandbook.barrage
        - commandbook.barrage.other
        - commandbook.biome
        - commandbook.biome.other
        - commandbook.call
        - commandbook.clear
        - commandbook.clear.other
        - commandbook.gamemode
        - commandbook.gamemode.change
        - commandbook.gamemode.check
        - commandbook.gamemode.check.other
        - commandbook.give
        - commandbook.give.other
        - commandbook.kick
        - commandbook.locations.coords
        - commandbook.motd
        - commandbook.msg
        - commandbook.mute
        - commandbook.return
        - commandbook.rocket
        - commandbook.rules
        - commandbook.say
        - commandbook.slap
        - commandbook.slap.other
        - commandbook.teleport
        - commandbook.teleport.other
        - commandbook.time.check
        - commandbook.warp.list
        - commandbook.warp.remove
        - commandbook.warp.remove.other
        - commandbook.warp.set
        - commandbook.warp.teleport
        - commandbook.weather
        - commandbook.weather.thunder
        - commandbook.whereami
        - commandbook.whereami.compass
        - commandbook.who
        - commandbook.whois
        - commandbook.whois.other
        - deathtpplus.deathtp.*
        - group.Moderator
        - herochat.color
        - hsp.command.groupspawn
        - hsp.full
        - hsp.home.bedsethome
        - lwc.protect
        - magiccarpet.*
        - tracks.member # same deal here, gives member and vip
        - tracks.vip
        - worldedit.*
        - worldguard.*
        groups: []
          priority: '80'
          prefix: '&a[Moderator] '
        - AntiGuest.build
        - AntiGuest.chat
        - AntiGuest.craft
        - AntiGuest.hunger
        - AntiGuest.interact
        - AntiGuest.item
        - AntiGuest.movement
        - AntiGuest.pvp
        - AntiGuest.spam
        - AntiGuest.vehicle
        - ^bukkit.command.reload
        - ^vanish.silentjoin
        - bPermissions.*
        - bukkit.command
        - commandbook.*
        - deathtpplus.*
        - factions.admin
        - group.Owner
        - herochat.admin
        - herochat.color
        - herochat.create
        - hsp.admin
        - hsp.full
        - hsp.home.bedsethome
        - lwc.admin
        - magiccarpet.*
        - signrank.build
        - tracks.* # AWESOME! Gives all tracks. '*' is a wildcard (no single quotes). This gives everything specified. Look below for more examples of '*'
        - vanish.*
        - worldedit.*
        - worldguard.*
        groups: []
          priority: '100'
          prefix: '&9[Owner] '
        - AntiGuest.*
        - ^AntiGuest.spam
        - ^group.Member
        - commandbook.give
        - commandbook.give.other
        - commandbook.teleport
        - commandbook.warp.list
        - deathtpplus.deathtp.*
        - group.VIP # THIS IS FOR WORLDGUARD/EDIT. THIS IS SO WORLDGUARD KNOWS WHAT GROUP TO CHECK FOR!!!!YOU NEED IT, UNLESS SK GIVES FULL SUPPORT. Worldedit and guard only support PEX natively, you need these permissions for other permissions plugins.
        - magiccarpet.mc
        - tracks.member
        - member
          priority: '60'
          prefix: '&d[VIP]&d '
    the "group.(group)" is for WorldGuard/Edit. It is the group the the plugin will check for. There is no bPermissions.build perm anymore, I use AntiGuest for that. Also, bPermissions.admin gives permissions for EVERYTHING IN BPERMS
    EXCEPT!!! tracks. I have tracks.(track) there to, which is like PEX ladders.
    codename_B likes this.
  5. Offline


    Holy crap thank you so much. What are all the plugins you have?
  6. Offline


    bPermissions also has a gui editor for permissions so you never have to touch a yaml file again!
  7. Offline


    Donde Esta??
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Awesome.. thank you very much. I'm having trouble learning how to use it, but I'll figure it out :D

    So quick question: I did /spawn and got put underground. I can't get out, because I can't edit blocks in the spawn area... how can I fix this?
  10. Offline


    OP yourself?
  11. Offline


    Derp. Thanks for all they help, much appreciated
  12. Offline


    Or you could set spawn radius to 0 in the bukkit config.
    Anyway, my plugins are:
    1. AntiGuest
    2. bPermissions (of course :D)
    3. CommandBook
    4. Factions
    5. HeroChat (edited by codename_b, download at http://bpermissions.com/HeroChat.jar
    6. HomeSpawnPlus
    7. LWC
    8. MagicCarpet
    9. Orebfuscator
    10. Spout
    11. VanishNoPacket
    12. WorldEdit
    13. WorldGuard
    I also have this folder called PluginMetrics, but I'm not sure what it does...
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