[MISC] CraftProxy 0.2.0 - Reduce bandwidth use by caching chunk data [1.6]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Raphfrk, May 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CraftProxy - Reduce bandwidth use by caching chunk data
    Version: 0.2.0


    This plugin and local client allows chunk data to be cached locally by players. This reduces the bandwidth required for hosting the server. It also helps users who are on slower connections.

    I am not sure what the status of this system is. It doesn't count as a plugin, since it has 2 parts.

    Even when running the plugin, players who don't use the client proxy can still connect. However, they will use the full bandwidth.

    The system can reduce bandwidth by 70-90% (after the 2nd login).



    Add the plugin file to the plugins folder


    Start minecraft client and login
    Double click on the client jar file
    Enter login details
    Enter the server location/port in the GUI
    Press start on the GUI
    Connect to localhost on the minecraft client

    Stable Builds

    None yet

    Dev Builds

    Warning: These may not be stable


    Had it get the compress/decompression gain backwards.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
    Jushy, Martin1704, Nathan C and 24 others like this.
  2. Offline


    You need to connect the GUI to the proxy port on the server, not directly to the server.

    You can stop, update the numbers and then start again (assuming everything is closing properly). Many of the parameters for a socket can't be changed on the fly.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  3. Offline


    Hey Thanks for getting a 1.8 compatible version that works.

    I am running v123 right now and I still need to use disable_flood as without it no one can get on reliably (its very difficult) as soon as i disabled the flood protection it works. its a rather impossible task get get on with flood protection enabled. let me know if there is anything that can be done or any suggestions
  4. Offline


    Hi @Raphfrk I've got a bug report. Since Spout can transfer data to the client, CraftProxy is throwing a tantrum with the data packets and disconnecting the user.

    Unknown packet Id a0

    If you want, I can try to get the packet as reported by CraftProxy but I'll need to type it out manually.
  5. Offline


    hello i have that very often on my console :

    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 18, 15
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 18, 16
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 19, 15
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 19, 16
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 20, 15
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 20, 16
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 21, 15
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 21, 16
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 22, 15
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 22, 16
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 22, 17
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 21, 17
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 20, 17
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 19, 17
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 18, 17
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 22, 18
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 21, 18
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 20, 18
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 19, 18
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 18, 18
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 22, 19
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 21, 19
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 20, 19
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 19, 19
    17:03:08 [INFO] (Terra64): Chunk initialise packet sent for already initialised chunk 18, 19
  6. Offline


    Are you running Spout (or maybe some other plugin that modifies the packet stream?).

    Also, are other people seeing this?

    It is possible that they have added a new packet but not set the length correctly.

    The craftproxy log gives information about the where it fails to detect the right packet.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  7. Offline


    Is it possible to send small faked pakets via CP to hold up a connection ( workaround for the minecraft standard timeout ) ?
  8. Offline


    I made it less strict. Previously, if you pinged twice within 5 seconds, it counted as an attack.

    Now, pings are not considered connection attempts.
  9. Offline


    just me in console and yes spout is running on my server
  10. Offline


    Plugin is working great for me normally, but would still love to have modloadermp support...

    Do you happen to have a version of this for 1.8? :D
  11. Offline


    Sorry for being a noob, but can someone help me configure this to work. Here is the console message:
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] CraftProxy-Liter started in plugin mode
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] Command line args: [20000, 25565, auth_off, log_time_off, rotatelocalhost]
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] Starting Craftproxy-lite version 124
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] WARNING: You have not enabled player name authentication
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] WARNING: This means that player logins are not checked with the minecraft server
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] To enable name authentication, add auth to the command line
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] WARNING: reconnectfile parameter not set
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] WARNING: players will be connected to the default server regardless of last server connected to
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] Use "end" to stop the server
    2011-09-25 21:57:33 [INFO] [CraftProxy-Lite] Server console disabled
  12. Offline


    When I installed this mod into my Bukkit server, my players from time to time gets the "End of stream" kick message. Any idea why? Probably because they are not using CraftProxy client?
  13. Offline


    Nope. But I'll make one for 1.9 when it's released and MCP updates. Should be pretty soon so I haven't bothered with 1.8 on my server at all. Was going to make a new world when 1.8 was released but then it turned out it was missing snow biomes so I'm just waiting for 1.9.
  14. Offline


    Found something odd, if a player connects to my server using Spoutcraft client and uses a portal via CraftProxy, they cannot move when the appear on the otherside. They just bounce in one place. If they relog, then they are fine. Spout clients are having to relog on each side of the portal to function normally.
  15. Offline


    is this so right ?

  16. Offline


    Did you monitored your network/internet usage?
    It happens if a lag occurs or the latency is bigger than 600ms.
    The reason could be a 100% usage of your servers upstream.
  17. Offline


    first of all: thankyou for this awsome proxy, it realy helps me alot, as i have enougth cpu left but a crappy inet connection (oh god, the last time i wrote something in english is long ago ...)

    but i have a feature request (yay)
    could you make it possible to have different view distances for users using proxys and ones not using it?
    that would be wonderfull
  18. Offline


    I'll monitor later, get back to you.
  19. Offline


    dont need a update for 1240 ?
  20. Offline


    Unless there are changes to the network protocol, CraftProxy doesn't exactly need to be updated per RB.

    Anyhow, I'm noticing an unusual interaction between CPL and the Spoutcraft client when performing server to server teleportation. Connecting to the servers via CPL while using the Spoutcraft client causes the player to 'bounce' on the spot when teleporting between the servers. The actual connection transfer is done without any problems, but player movement is not possible via normal means and neither is looking around. The behaviour is very similar to moving into an unloaded chunk. You can teleport from point to point using a local teleport method and the server does register the movement properly, however the view is still locked into 'bouncing in one spot'. It's not possible to move by normal means.
    Connecting using a vanilla, stock client through CPL has no problems. Server to server teleporting works without any issues. Directly connecting to the servers using the Spoutcraft client also has no problems. It's only connecting to the servers via CPL using the Spoutcraft client that has issues.

    Spoutcraft clients tested: 403 and 535
    Tested with a completely clean, default minecraft 1.8.1 client
    CraftProxy version: 124
    Server to server teleport plug-in: Transporter 7.2
  21. Offline


    Is it true that this is integrated in to spout?.. I want to get this to work so bad..
  22. Offline


    Yep. :)
  23. Offline


    Raphfrk, plz help me with protection system.
    My client calculate md5 sum, then get actual md5 from server and update self if not equals.

    But i want change it. I need send client's md5 sum to server,check it and send answer to client. What best way to send custom string to server with connection request, and how to accept/deny connect if this string permitted/not permitted on server?
  24. Offline


    i have got another featurerequest to make :)
    i think it would be better to check 4 chunks together (one md5sum)
    if it fits everything is great if not you split it in half
    check 2 chunks <- if these differ: split into one and so on
    and another 2 <- if these differ: split them into one chunk and check wich one was it
  25. Offline


    I might be asking a very stupid question now. But I've been reading through the first 6 pages and I saw that people couldn't connect with a non-premium version. Is it possible to change that now or can only premium users join the server. (asking because most people on my server have non-premium MC)
  26. Offline


    Please update the title to the newest RB. Then tag me in a post, otherwise this will be moved to inactive​
  27. Offline


    but it still works
    @ Raphfrk
    did you turn off the alerts?
  28. Offline


    Turn off auth in the plugin config, and turn off auth in the client, and non premium players will be able to play.
  29. Offline


    Hey This works great but don't forget to move to BukkitDev and when I use the Proxy to authorized can you make it authorized using the server internet instead of the clients internet. This will help me allot thanks.
  30. Offline


    just wondering what is the difference between this and what spoutcraft does? Does this cash a total of more or less than spoutcraft?
  31. Offline


    i think this is what spout does

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