[SEC] GriefMarker 1.0 - Aftermath grief marking [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by NeoSilky, Sep 18, 2011.

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    Version: 1.0
    Click on ads to support me!
    Plugin was an original idea from danger2012lol
    • This is not an anti-grief plugin! This simply allows players to use a command to register themself for a grief alert.
    • The plugin gives the player that typed the command a Glowstone Block, which is registered as a grief alert block. When the player places it, it send them a message that the grief alert has been placed.
    • The plugin writes a log to the server plugins folder that contains the details of the grief alert. eg.
      16:36:47 :- A Grief Marker was placed on World: 'Flatgrass' by NeoSilky at Location: -66.0, 64.0, 40.0
    • It is clever and knows when people have registered themself for a grief alert, so that every glowstone block placed it not registered unless the player has registered.
    • Includes config, but kinda pointless at the moment as it only activates and deactivates the plugin.
    • It simply allows the owner of the server to see where people have said a place has been griefed!
    /griefalert help - Shows the help.
    /griefalert set - Gives glowstone block and registers player.
    /griefalert cancel - Cancel's the players registration.
    Planned Updates:
    • Allow tp locations to the grief areas for admins etc.
    • Possible rollback, but then it would end up like the others...
    • The ability to delete the logs when assessed.
    1.0 - Released Plugin.

    Please leave comments and ideas below!

    maino and wassilij like this.
  2. Offline

    Liam Allan

    Awesome plugin! I love that you use the same (old) log design as mine! :D But I love it!
  3. Offline


    Pftt, nooo ;) But thanks :D
  4. Offline

    Liam Allan

    I suggest you add a command like /griefhere and it logs the player location aswell
  5. Offline


    Well, thats what the glowstone block is for, but i could add that, i want to add admin tp to existing places and then it appends the logs :p
  6. Offline

    Liam Allan

    Yes, Good :D
    NeoSilky likes this.
  7. Offline


    tag me when the CB for this goes stable
    NeoSilky likes this.
  8. Offline


    @Plague, here you go :D
  9. Offline


    Do you have anti spam methods in place?
  10. Offline


    Not really, and anyway, it requires you to continually type a command to register so any person will need to keep registering :)
  11. Offline


    Spam bot. Any person with malicious intent can do it, so you should set a timer on how often it can be used. like once every 10 seconds or something.
  12. Offline


    what was the glowstone block for it seemed to do nothing
  13. Offline


    it was block that that you placed once you are registred, and it write the location to a log :) watch the video if you looked :)

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