Inactive [DEV] BukkitContrib Alpha 0.1.7 [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Afforess, May 21, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    BukkitContrib is superseded by Spout, the new Bukkit/Client framework.
  2. Offline


    In the unreleased version :p Sorry I wasnt clear
  3. Offline


    lol cant wate for that one then, i get 5 fps without optifog, and the server uses this plugin.
  4. Offline


    Cant wait for spout 1.0, Due in about 2 hours. :)
  5. Offline


    Keep in mind that the time is quoting the exact start of sunday, not sometime during the day, which is when it will be released.

    You are correct, I do play on HeroCraft on a semi-regular basis. I am t3 donater.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  6. Offline


    So it won't be exactly in 2 hours? FYI its 5:06 PM Sunday GMT +12.
  7. Offline


    dark_hunter likes this.
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Why is all of the Spout giving my player an endofstream and read time out..

    except for the 0.1.7
  10. Offline


    You need to give more detailed error reports, @Afforess are you aware of this?
  11. Offline


    It's only just Sunday there now, was looking forward to it for days. :(
  12. Offline


    I can promise we are working as hard as possible, I had work yesterday and I have to go in for a bit later this morning. We are ironing out bugs and finishing it up
  13. Offline


    sorry i editted my post..

    I'm using the latest dev craftbukkit, all of my plugins are working fine, except for Spout, but BukkitContrib 0.1.7 is just fine..
  14. Offline


    That's not detailed, detailed is what happened, what were you doing when it happened, what build, a error stacktrace, how we can replicate the error/bug
  15. Offline


    Alright. :)
  16. Offline


    there are no errors coming out in the console, also this is happen when you just started the server and the players are connecting, then they can move, but can't build anything then after that, they will disconnect and say Read Timed Out, and in my server it says Endofstream.. I tried using 132-204 dev spout.. also using latest dev craftbukkit
  17. Offline


    I'd really avoid any of last 10-20 builds, we are making a lot of sweeping changes ATM.
  18. Offline


    i tried 132 dev spout.. and it's still occuring..
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    Might be worth trying using the 1000 CraftBukkit version, since that is what everything is being tested against.

    (Also, "latest dev craftbukkit" changes over time, better to give the version number)
    alta189 likes this.
  21. Offline


    CB1036.. I'm using latest cause, sometimes.. they fixed what my problem is.. XD

    ok i tried CB1000, still endofstream..

    EDIT: I tried using only the OLD and LATEST Spout and Spout Client without any other mods.. still nothing.. end of stread/readtimeout
  22. Offline


    Yes! I knew I've seen you somewhere before.
  23. Offline


    The problem is that some of their changes might conflict with the BC/Spout changes. It is certainly worth verifying that the bug still exists with 1000. If it doesn't, then they can check if any of the CB changes have broken things.
  24. Offline


    ok I tried all the methods..

    I tried using ONLY the latest Dev Spout

    and in my Client, i tried using the Latest Spout Client no other mods etc...

    and still nothing

    I even tried the bukkitcontrib 0.1.7 on my client, and still nothing

    i also tried the dev spout 132.. and still nothing..
  25. Offline


    By "nothing", do you mean that there are no errors, or that it doesn't fix it?
  26. Offline


    No error showing up and it didn't fix..

    This is what I'm getting in my Client Console

    Code: Read timed out
            at Method)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at ki.a(
            at pf.e(SourceFile:197)
            at pf.c(SourceFile:17)
    And this is in my Server Console

    2011-08-01 00:21:35 [INFO] DisplayName lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
    2011-08-01 00:21:35 [INFO] quits
  27. Offline

    Grammar Troll

    "Plugins will be limited in ability, and unable to have IO access, reflection, or access to any native MC client code."
    Will Spout make it possible to change the appearance of players (or at least makes the client think that their appearance changes)? Making players taller, smaller, bigger, adding new shapes to the player?
  28. Offline


    Doesn't it already do this?
  29. Offline


  30. Offline

    Grammar Troll

  31. Offline


    You "cant" do this yet. When I say cant I mean that you probably could but it would result in an extremely unstable server/client.
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