[INACTIVE][CHAT] GlobalChat BETA 1.2 - Global chat across multiple servers [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DrAgonmoray, Jul 27, 2011.

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  1. Offline



    Come on, only 1 download. I need at least a few of you to use this, so that we can have some actual chat in there. :p

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
    M1sT3rM4n and Grrrr159 like this.
  2. Offline


    This is awesome, too bad I don't have a server to use it :p

    EDIT: Maybe have an option to display the server the message is coming from?
  3. Offline


    How do you suppose I identify the server?
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  4. Offline


    Possibly as a configuration setting like
              server-name: My super awesome server
    or defined in a command? (lol spacing sucks on the config)
  5. Offline


    Yeah that's just not gonna work. sorry
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  6. Offline


    Just a suggestion
  7. Offline


    For the server just do : getServer().getServerName() when you enable the plugin :) you can add the IP or whatever.

    That's a good idea :)
  8. Offline


    I had that idea 2 days ago. But filling in that information isn't required, so many servers won't have that. :)
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  9. Offline



    Also, is there a way to link specific servers instead of every server that has the plugin?
  10. Offline


    Because people could easily impersonate other servers and cause trouble.
    Not at the moment. I'm working on the pm system (about to be done) then I'll see if I can make "networks" like that.
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  11. Offline


    I still think it would be a nice addition- definitely for networks, and identifying duplicate names would be possible. I haven't tested it, but if you're worried about impersonation you should definitely send the player name with getName() and not getDisplayName().
  12. Offline


    I do have it as getName(). :D Here's a little snippet
                        try {
    plugin.http.postData("MY SECRET URL THAT YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW""m="+event.getPlayer().getName()+"|GC|"+event.getMessage());
                        } catch (
    Exception e) {
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  13. Offline


    Hm, that doesn't look like a valid URL. :D
  14. Offline


    :O oMg you figured out why it wasn't working! thank you!

    Version 1.1

    • Added global private messaging with /globalpm [Recepient] [Message]
    GlobalChat is now officially awesomer. Now somebody please get on the chat so I can try it out (talking to myself on 2 different accounts is lonely)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
    M1sT3rM4n and cholo71796 like this.
  15. Offline


    No offline-mode servers? Seriously? :-(

    Can we get just auto-kick fake usernames? Or get a whitelist of offline-servers?
  16. Offline


    Yeah, seriously. How are we supposed to tell the difference between a fake username and a real one? And a whitelist of offline servers won't work either. Fake users can still join.
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  17. Offline


    Yes, but the point of a whitelist is you trust the servers on it, and trust that they will be blocking fake users.

    And by difference between real and fake username, I just mean a list of commonly stolen usernames (e.g. Notch, jeb_, Herobrine).

    This system can still be abused, regardless. If someone has two instances of Minecraft open they can occasionally still join two servers, offline or not.
  18. Offline


    How are they to differentiate between a fake user and a real one? I could easily go into an offline server as JimmyTwoShoes55 and nobody would know.
    I'm sorry, but there is 0% chance that I will allow any offline servers besides mine (for testing purposes)

    To everybody:
    I haven't seen anybody chat yet, and I'm really interested in seeing how well GlobalChat works. Could somebody with this installed type '/globalchat on' and start chatting? :D

    People can steal somebody else's username (somebody they have a grudge on, other server owners, etc) that aren't common like Notch and jeb.

    As for the abused part, explain to me how it can be abused in that way.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  19. Offline


    @Master_Rudik : the problem with the whitelist ... DrAgonmoray will have to check the server to see if that server is "serious" but ... imagine, a fake user connect (because if the server don't have authMe or other auth plugin he can without any problem) he can take the identity of the real user without any problem because the server is white-listed.

    @DrAgonmoray : I have a little suggestion, a little optimization : Can you add a admin command to deactivate the globalChat ... globally ? just stopping the receive thread and returning from the onChat ?

    Because if a user begin to spam, it will spam all connected server then it's allow the admin to stop the chat to avoid the spam, or maybe add some kind of mute command. To mute a foreign guy.
  20. Offline


    That sounds nice. I will add a mute command and a deactivate command. The mute command will add specific users to a blacklist. I'll make the blacklist/mutelist get saved to a file so they can nevar spam you again.

    But seriously, is anybody using the global chat right now? I'm not getting any chat on my end :confused:
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  21. Offline


    @DrAgonmoray : Well sry, I have only offline-server ^^' ah other idea for these server, add a check for authMe or other auth plugin. If this plugin is detected, then your plugin will be activated for offline server (just trying to found a way to make it works for offline server)

    if (getServer().getOnlineMode()) {
          this.log.info(this.prefix + pdfFile.getName() + " version " + pdfFile.getVersion() + " is enabled!");
        } else {
    //add this line :
          this.log.severe(this.prefix + "GlobalChat will not function in offline mode to prevent identity theft. Please put your server in online mode.");
    It's just a little optimization in case of other plugin try to access your plugin.
  22. Offline


    By abusing, I mean that users could open multiple instances of Minecraft on their computer and connect to multiple GlobalChat servers. Then they're effectively duplicating themselves over multiple servers.

    I'm pretty sure that still works sometimes. It used to, not sure right now. Haven't used it in a while.
  23. Offline


    That auth plugin check idea might work.
    And I didn't know about the setEnabled thing. I'll add that now. Here's what it was:
            if (getServer().getOnlineMode()) {
    log.info(prefix pdfFile.getName() + " version " pdfFile.getVersion() + " is enabled!");
            } else {
    log.severe(prefix+"GlobalChat will not function in offline mode to prevent identity theft. Please put your server in online mode.");
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  24. Offline


    I know what it is ^^ java decompiler :)
    It's how I know that the idea I'm proposing are realisable.

    @Master_Rudik : yup that completely true... the same player could be connected to X other location in the same time, but I think that now he will get some warning saying he's connected to other location too.

    mmmh maybe add some kind of priority, prioritize online server (in case of the same user is connected to a online and offline) meaning that, only send his message from the online server.
  25. Offline


    :confused: That's a little scary. You could probably find some way to break it since you have that :p
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  26. Offline


    Can you add Ichat integration as well?
  27. Offline


    Version 1.2

    • Added a small config
    • Added muting/unmuting
    • Fixed a few small things and increased efficiency a bit.
    • Figured out that I had the Beta 1.0 download link when it said Beta 1.2 (apparently that's why the 1.0 download count kept going up, lol.)
    Yeah, so apparently nobody had version 1.1. XD

    Hey, it's the guy that I was talking to in the chat! :D
    What kind of integration do you mean?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  28. Offline


    I'd love to see some HeroChat integration, so small servers don't have to be spammed if large servers are using this :)

    edit: perhaps a default "serverchat" would work for a default channel that works with this plugin?
  29. Offline


    HeroChat hasn't been updated in a while last I saw.
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  30. Offline


    True, however it's still working on all the recent RB's
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