Player's field of view

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SteveStage, Jul 29, 2021.

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    float yaw1 = vp.getLocation().getYaw() % 360; // vp is victim player (damaged)
    float yaw2 = p.getLocation().getYaw() % 360; // p is player (damager)
    float fyaw = yaw1 - yaw2;
    if(fyaw > 0)
    // code
    This code check if player (p) in the field of victim (vp) view, but I'm not sure that this is actually "field of view", it can be victim's back. Difference of victim's and player's yaws should be positive or negative for checking it?
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    @SteveStage That code does not check the field of view. It is just a lengthy way of comparing the two players' yaw.
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    Ok, if I check if angle between vector of sight and vector between player and victim less than 90, it'll work?
    Vector dir = vp.getLocation().getDirection();
    Vector en = p.getLocation().toVector().subtract(vp.getLocation().toVector());
    if(dir.angle(en) < 90.0F)
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2021
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    @SteveStage The FoV is modifiable from the client-side, so unless you somehow get it from there, it is impossible.
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    I'm trying to get pseudo-fov which angle is 180 degrees.
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    In that case, did you try this?
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    Not yet. In theory, would it work?
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