ProtocolLib input?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Symphonic, Jan 21, 2020.

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    All I want to do is sit a player on an entity, doesn't matter what kind (can't be a boat because boats hate rotating when players are in them) and get player WASD input. I can't figure out how though, I have tried VEHICLE_MOVE but that only gets coordinates, and I cant use the boat_move one (even though it's perfect) because it's a boat and there's no way to rotate it for the client when the player is in it. Help?
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    @Symphonic how about VehicleMoveEvent:
    Note that this only works with boats, horses, pigs with saddles, etc.
    This should also help if you don't end up using LauchProjectile: way to get velocity included)

    If none of these works to get input you could use a prompt:, though I don't know if you need to use a chat window
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2020
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    How do those conversation things work?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Conversation API uses the enter though I believe, it doesn't listen as they type.
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    Does anyone know how Hypixel gets input for their custom Mariokart game then? I feel like theres some simple solution
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    @Symphonic I don't think Hypixel runs on Bukkit, they probably use a custom API.
    As for protocolLib, i haven't watched the full video, but it looks like they check for input here:
    I may be wrong
    Also, you could just not have the ship be constantly moving and use a combination of getVehicleMove and set/getVelocity
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    Whatever they use must still be based off NMS.. speaking of which, is there any way to see the code of NMS classes? I see that SimplePets used NMS for their input but I’m not sure how they are doing it in 1.15.

    What do you mean by getVehicleMove?
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    Yeah I looked at the simplepets github, it looks like they havent put in the same NMS thing for 1.15 as 1.14 so I don't know what the method is

    EDIT: also I can't use VehicleMoveEvent because it will be called when the velocity is changed etc not just when the player controls it
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
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    can you change the relative position of riding entities though?

    plus could I get a tiny bit of example code? I'm still not sure how this will help me get input
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