Solved PermissionsEx help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by dry_dan, Jun 20, 2019.

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  1. Hey guys, I'm trying to work on our server and add permissions. I finished using luckperms, but then it all got messed up so I'm trying this instead. So ok, I have set up a bunch of things, (ie. groups, some permissions.), but the permissions don't work the best. I have set up our group called "gods", which have all permissions so it has
        - '*'
    ok, so they have everything. Good. Next I need to set up a group called "op2". So I don't want everything there, and I looked at this thread that said that you should have a minus before a permission to make it a negative. I should also put the * in the back so that everything else is allowed. So like here is what i got now
        - '*'
        - -pex.*
        - worldedit.*
        - simplehubteleport.*
        - -serverrestorer.*
        - -pluginconstructorapi.*
        - -minecraft.nbt
        - -minecraft.command.op
        - -minecraft.command.pardon
        - -minecraft.command.pardon-ip
        - -minecraft.command.worldborder
        - -minecraft.command.kick
        - -minecraft.command.function
        - -minecraft.command.deop
        - -minecraft.command.ban
        - -minecraft.command.ban-ip
        - minecraft.command.*
        - minecraft.*
        - '*'
    but for some reason the pex is allowed, and so is server restorer, etc. Meaning that something isn't right. Any help? (I'm on the latest version of pex, and it works ok for the minecraft.command.op and deop and ban, etc. ) idk why. Anyone wanna help?
  2. Offline


    @dry_dan I don't recommend giving players the '*' permission, just give them what you want them to have, they won't be able to do what you don't give them.
  3. ohhhhhhh ok right yeah. Im a bit stupid. thanks mate!
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