Using HashMap with BlocksTo control the destruction of blocks, based on the tool and config

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by new-ewrs728, Mar 13, 2019.

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    Hi again. I have an idea that it was impossible to break a wooden pick, for example, a list of blocks from the config, and with the help of an iron one (also from the config).
    The question is, how do I better control the lists? In minecraft there are a lot of different types of tools, do not you create your own HashMap for everyone?

    Thank you
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Suppose (I forgot how to get from a generic)
    Are there any other options?

    And by the way, I never got an answer. I have something like this in the configuration: DIAMOND_PICKAXE:
    - DIRT ...
    - GRASS
    - GLASS
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2019
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @new-ewrs728 get from a generic?
    And your question is vague, do you want to make a hashmap for everybody?
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    HashMap<Player, Material> map;

    for every player in the server {
    do some checking {
    map.put(player, material);
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    This is the question. What should I do? If I do for each tool, it will be stupid

    Read my question again. I need to do for each tool and its kind. Do not create the same 100 hashmaps diamond Pickaxe, diamond sword, stone sword etc ...
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @new-ewrs728 You can use the tools name, all the wooden tools have wood in it.
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    do not quite understand
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Names all contain DIAMOND, you can use that as key, then you have 5 keys.
    Another option is having a List<CustomClass>
    Where the CustomClass contains the allowed tools in a list and the allowed blocks in a different one.
    for(CustomClass temp : classList){
    if(temp.containsTool(tool) && temp.canBreak(block)){
    // do stuff
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    In the first version, you offer me to immediately contact the config, if not null, right?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    My suggestion would be to load it into the memory of the plugin in the onEnable and then leave the config alone again.
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