Help create a kind of Query server, in its plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by iDens, Aug 10, 2018.

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    You need to create a class Query UDP server that works, just like the Query server in the kernel.
    Data that the server will give, I can collect myself, but to make monitoring and so on, could communicate with the server, no:'(

    The principle of the Query server is:

    But I'm too weak, and I hope for Help here.Thanks!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @iDens What language? What is stopping you from doing it yourself? What is the goal? Where will this run (on the server or a different thing)
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    1. Google Translete))
    2. Nub
    3. Add to Qery the answer, additional information.
    4. Server
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @iDens Programming language...
    And why would you run a server query on a server? Just access the information directly.
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    This is a plugin. I want it to be put on the server bukkit / craftbukkit / spigot and so on. I have already done a lot, but the problem is precisely in the repetition of the operation principle of the query server, there is little experience and it is not possible to recreate.

    To address on a line, it through NMS, that else for me will be more difficult.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @iDens What is the end goal of this? Why do you want to query a server?
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    On the hosting where I keep the server, in the monitoring there is a poll on the query, and there is a stanza for additional information, if I add the answer in the query for example .tcp.20, then it will appear there. That is for more convenient server monitoring.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @iDens I think that google translate derped here.
    You want to query the Bukkit server from the Bukkit server?
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    Yes, I want to upgrade the server response query.

    At the moment, I just made a plug-in to it:
    1. Put query-enable = false during the server startup, via NSM.
    2. Run the UDP server, so that there was a similarity to the query server.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @iDens But you want to make a server query itself? Why?
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    Well as to modernize it in net.minecraft.server, on mine it is even more difficult. There generally I can not understand the code, it is confusing. So I just turn off the query server in the kernel itself and run it in my plugin. - Here is the class in which the query server is implemented, in the kernel itself.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
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