Plugin Help Archoncrates/pex prefix

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by agraphobia, Sep 5, 2017.

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    Why does archoncrates writes this? everytime i write /ac it gives me this msg, how do i fix it?,
    and why does prefix's doesnt work im using premissionEx

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @agraphobia They are returning false in the onCommand, you probably need to give it an argument.
    And do you also have Vault?
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    Yea I've got vault , what do I have to do to fix it, want me to post my permission config? on pastebin?. Idk how to fix the prefix too
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @agraphobia Do you have a plugin managing your chat?
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    No I don't have any, which one should I get?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @agraphobia That is all personal preference but I suggest ChatEx
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    What about the archoncrates how do I fix it?

    I got the ChatEx addon, yet no Prefix how do I fix it

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @agraphobia Based on the screenshot you need to use /ac <any argument>
    Some plugins don't do anything when you just run the command without arguments.
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    What do you mean what do I have to do just type /ac blah blah blah _How do I fix the prefix I got the ChatEx addon
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Follow the commands from the plugin, not some random stuff.
    And disable the factions chat and essentials chat.
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    I fixed the prefix, the only problem I've got now is with the archoncrates as you can see in the first picture I posted the argument thingy how do I fix it ?
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    From what i am seeing, This is an issue with the developer themselves. As @timtower stated. Inside of their code, they are returning false inside of their onCommand Method. The only way to fix is to contact the developers directly and get it resolved there.
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    Oh I see well thanks for the help :).
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