Filled end portal reset plugin.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by swaggod, Feb 18, 2017.

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    so in this plugin I want when you kill the enderdragon in end world then after 48hr (time can be customized in config) the end will reset and whoever got the last shot/hit on enderdragon will get the dragon egg in there inv and xp gets added too.

    also when end is resetting then you cant go in the end with endportal for like 1 hr and it will announce in the chat that end is resetting and it will open in %time% (time can be customized in config) and all the msg can be customized in config too.

    you can use multiverse-core for it too
    1.8 plugin
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
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    anyone? pls make this?
  4. I want to say this is not a easy project because a map reset and that you have make a timer for 48 hours. Its is possible but the person that will make this plugin must have a lot of experience.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Tolodo System.currentMillis()>storedvalue
    Stored value will be System.currentMillis()+48 hours from the last map reset.
    Map reset will be a world unload, file deletion and then a world load.
  6. I didn't know about the System.currentMilles
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    how about you have to run commands every 48 hrs for multiverse-core /mv <worldname> delete then after 20 sec it will run other command /mv create <worldname> end if this is possible?
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    I might do this one but I'm bussy with another one right now.
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    Kitty Labs

    i can try. dont really have anything else too do
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    ok thx!
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    btw when will you be done with this plugin?
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