Solved Need essentialsX help!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Shootingisgood9, Jan 9, 2017.

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    I have the plugin essentialsX and when I make a kit it says go to the link and copy and paste the coding into your essentialsX config to make the plugin but I don't know how and if I mess up I will prob destroy my server and I put lots of work into it!Pls link me to a video or give me picture because I am a very visual person

    It also has parts in the coding that I am unsure go in the config

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    What did you copy and paste? Can you post the link? Can you post the config?
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    The link for the stuff I need to put in the config is
    The link for the actual config is <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
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    Most likely, you have not put it in the config in the correct place or have not indented it correctly.
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    No you don't get what I am asking.I have NOT put it in the config because I don't know where it goes or what part of the code goes where.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Shootingisgood9 Open the EssentialsX folder within the plugins folder and list the files that are in there.
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    Theres userdata,warps,config.yml,booktxt,customtxt,items.csv,motdtxt,upgrades.done.yml,usermap.csv and worth.yml

    Ik where config is its just where to copy and paste the code IN the config if that's what your getting to.Could I just send u the stuff I need to put in there and the config and u can put in the code then send it to me?

    xD forgot to @timtower u

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I will not do that.
    Check the config.yml, see if it has a kit area.
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    @timtower it does

    @timtower I saw a u tube video and it explained how so thanks anyway :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2017
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