Unloading world

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by dekrosik, Oct 21, 2016.

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    Hello i try unload world with this method:
    Bukkit.unloadWorld(world, false);
    and why this not work?
    (I know this is not working because when i place block and unloadWorld, later load new Map block still stay)
    any ideas?
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    We can't tell you. We don't know what you mean by "this does not work". Can you be more specific? Are there any errors? Does it work for otherworlds? Where exactly are you unloading the world.
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    1. Place blocks on map
    2. invoke Bukkit.unload...
    3. delete map folder
    4. copy the same map for other folder
    5. create map with Bukkit.createWorld(new WorldCreator(name));
    And when i join server i see this blocks which i place on old map.
    Any errors;/
  4. Offline


    What version of bukkit are you using? Are you sure the file location for both copying and deleting are correct? Have you tried reloading between copying the map and re-creating the world? Are you sure there are no players in that world when you unload it?
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    1. 1.10 (PaperSpigot-latest)
    2. yes im sure because modify date is changing
    3. what reloading? server? No.
    4. hmm im not sure but i think i teleport people after unload world
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