Werewolf Atributes Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by tcwolf12, Apr 30, 2016.

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    This request has been simplified and I will greatly appreciate any help with this plugin!
    Plugin Category:

    Suggested Name: Werewolf Abilities

    What I Would Like: I would like a plugin to allow players to have potion effects during the night of a full moon like strength II on full moons and Night Vision every night. Also I would like players to have weakness I the day after a full moon if possible.
    For game balancing purposes I'd also like there to be a weakness for players effected during full moons specifically an iron sword crafted with one redstone block could yield an iron sword named Silver Blade that deals 2.5 times the damage it normally would on players with the werewolf.effect permission.
    Ideas for Commands:
    /werewolf on/off toggles the effects for the player that uses it

    Ideas for Permissions:
    werewolf.effect - allows the plugin to effect the player
    werewolf.perm - makes the effects constant
    werewolf.random - randomly effects the player day or night
    werewolf.toggle - allows the player to use /werewolf on/off
    werewolf.weaknessignore - makes the player invulnerable to to silver blade strikes.

    This plugin needs to be compatible with PermissionsEx and Multiverse (Multiple worlds.)

    Optional Requests:
    Using libsdisguises to turn players into wolves at midnight on a full moon and holding them in that form until daybreak. Also a special item that allows them to change during the day but get no status effects.
    Last edited: May 20, 2016
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  7. I'm currently working on a werewolf plugin, I'll let you know when it's done
    I don't know whether I can make it detect a full moon though, but I'll try at least
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    Thanks @WannabeAProGamer hope it goes well! I understand it might be hard with all the updates lately. If you can decompile it this plugin's code may have the key to calculating moon phases. I know the full moon portion still works on 1.9
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    Since this hasn't been entirely filled yet, bump.
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  11. What do you mean, not entirely filled yet? Those bumps are kinda spamming me...
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Nobody actually made the plugin.
    And you are free to ignore the bumps.
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    I don't mean to be spamy but timtower is correct, I will mark the thread filled when the plugin is completed, but I will bump less often now that someone is working on it.
  14. Offline


    Just checking in could I get an ETA on this plugin?
  15. I think it'll be done in 2 weeks
  16. Offline


    That sounds awesome!
  17. @WannabeAProGamer would you like any help? Also if you're fed up with working on this, I can pick it up from where you left off.
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  19. Offline


    Could I get a preview on permissions for this plugin?
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  25. Outdated doesn't mean broken till proven otherwise.
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    The werewolf plugin does not work in 1.10.... just tested it.
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