Inactive [MECH] FalseBook 0.96alpha - CraftBook for Bukkit,85++ICs, Gates, Minecarts / MC1.4.6

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by GeMoschen, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    FalseBook - Your CraftBook for Bukkit

    Current version: v0.96alpha
    Minecraft: 1.4.6

    Show Spoiler

    • supported Permissionplugins
      • bPermissions
      • bukkitPermissions
      • Essentials GroupManager
      • Permissions
      • PermissionsEx
      • SuperPerms
      • Vault (still in development)
    • uses the syntax of CraftBook for better compatibility
    • implements over 85 Integrated Circuits (ICs)
    • implements [Lift Up] & [Lift Down]
    • toggleable ...
      • ... bridges
        • undestroyable
      • ... doors
        • undestroyable
      • ... gates
        • undestroyable
      • ... areas
    • a lot of fancy features for minecarts
      • collect and deposit items from chests to minecarts
      • make furnaces which refill themselfs with minecarts
      • program carts to take only specific items out of chests
      • craft things out of a chest with a minecart
      • lift up & down for minecarts!
    • chatsystem with different chat-channels to clean up the normal chat
    • toggleable...
      • netherrack (with fire)
      • pumpkins
      • glowstone <-> another block (even if minecraft itself has the glowstonelamp now...)

    Minecart Blocktypes:
    Show Spoiler

    • BenchOut : Iron-Ore
    • Booster 2x : Gold-Ore
    • Booster 8x : Gold-Block
    • Brake-Block 25% :Gravel
    • Brake-Block 50% : Soulsand
    • Burn : Iron-Ore
    • ConstantSpeed-Block : Iron-Block
    • Craft : Iron-Ore
    • Deposit / Collect : Iron-Ore
    • Eject-Block : Coal-Ore
    • Emitter-Block : Lapis Lazuli Ore
    • Reverse-Block : White wool
    • Station-Block : Obsidian
    • Sort-Block : Netherrack
    • Teleport-Block : Lime wool
    • Program-Cart : Lapis Lazuli
    • Programmed Deposit-Block : Blue wool

    Other Features:
    Show Spoiler

    • Bridge (FalseBookBlock.jar)
    • Doors (FalseBookBlock.jar)
    • Gates (FalseBookBlock.jar)
    • Toggle Netherrack Fire (FalseBookExtra.jar)
    • Toggle Pumpkins (FalseBookExtra.jar)
    • Toggle Soulsand to Glowstone and back (my addition) (FalseBookExtra.jar)
    • ToggleAble Areas (Experimental):

      Define the area with the "Wooden Hoe" (use rightclick)
    • /farea <areaname> -> Adds an Area
    • /delfarea <areaname> -> removes an Area
    • /listfarea -> Lists all Areas
    • /fareatoggle <areaname> autosave -> toggles the autosave function of an area. Autosave = save blocks, when toggling the area off.
    • /fareatoggle <areaname> protect -> toggles the protection of an area. ON = Area is only destroyable/buildable to users with permission: falsebook.destroy.blocks
    • /fareaallow <areaname> id[:subid] -> will add/remove the blocktype from the toggleable blocks of this area. Default: all blocks will be toggled.
    • (FalseBookBlock.jar)

    Important Note:
    You must copy ALL jar-Files over the old ones (all files have been changed) !
    The "Package_..."-Files must go into "plugins/FalseBook/ICPlugins/"

    Download FalseBook 0.96alpha for Minecraft 1.4.6

    FalseBook Wiki - Work in progress

    YouTube-Channel with Videos

    Donations are welcome if you wish to support me


    Attached Files:

    cevio, Artem-s86, Dereku and 67 others like this.
  2. Offline


    The signs work for me with redstone. Be sure that the redstone is directed toward the sign. ;)
  3. Offline


    Seems like this ain't working with the new permissions plugin?
  4. Offline


    Are you talking about permissions 3?
    I haven't tested it yet, but I will take a look at it.
  5. Offline


    Yes i am but i think its because im using #815 :) the main problem is, as soon as i install any plugin that has to do with player interactions (eg: bigbrother,lockette, xauth,falsebook) my server is fliiping out giving me "failed to send player_..." errors and Ichat isnt working anymore so mainly, i think this isnt falsebook's problem^^
  6. Offline


    Can anybody help me with this problem?
    I use 803 and the latest falsebook.
    I also get this in the console at load:

    2011-05-30 11:33:10 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] plugins/FalseBook/Transmitter.db not found.
    2011-05-30 11:33:10 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] plugins/FalseBook/Receiver.db not found.
    2011-05-30 11:33:10 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] plugins/FalseBook/SensorList.db not found.
    Is this normal?
  7. Offline


    doesn't works, theres no error
    the Minecart doesnt stop

    help please

    Craftbukkit : 803

    Falsebook :0.85
  8. Offline


    That error is perfectly normal. Once you make some Transmitters/Receivers/Sensors, it goes away.

    We need more information to help you with that.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  9. Offline


    the problem is the station block doesnt stop the minecart

    there is no error log or something like that just like in the video
  10. Offline


    I have exactly the same problem. [Sort] also doesn't work for me, as i wrote a few posts before.
    Tried without any other plugins (i just leave the permissions in, i am an op and have * permissions)
    Tried with bukkit 798, all the same, doesn't working :(
  11. Offline


    good to know that im not alone!
  12. Offline


    It works fine for me. I usually use Minecart Mania, but I tried it out for you guys.
  13. Offline


    how the hell mine doesnt work i have following plugins:

    Okay got the devil
    its mcMMO
    i hope you gonna fix that
  14. Offline


    hi, is there any permission for Cauldrons ? my members can't use it
    i gave them permission to all the the permission notes but they are still not able to use it :( pm me plx
  15. Offline


    Only things I could possibly see interfering is Worldguard or Worldedit. But I know how they are needed so..

    The glowstone lights do not work in 1.6, as I apparently can't have redstone wire on top of glowstone
  16. Offline


    bug in collect/deposit?

    i put used tools in the box...let them transfer and the item has repaired...
  17. Offline


    @GeMoschen in CB#815 (MC 1.6.4)
    when useing ur carts plugin the minecarts will vanish when thay collide can u please post a download to work with CB#815 some of us have pushed it anyway
  18. Offline


    Thanks for taking the time.
    I've tested some other features, and it seems like only the minecart features are not working.
    Cauldrons, ICs, gates and bridges are fine. I've also tried without mcMMO but still not working.
    When i create a station or sort i have the corresponding message in the chat.
    There are no error messages.
    Tried with both 803 and 798.
  19. Offline


    My bet would be that WorldGuard is doing it. I'll look into it more, but for now, you might want to check out Minecart Mania.
  20. Offline


    Can anyone confirm if falsebook works in the latest nightly build with 1.6.5?
  21. Offline



    Tested it against #816

    The latest version should work with #815 and also #816.

    The vanishing of Carts is a small bug. Will be fixed in 0.86.

    This is a known bug for now. But thanks anyway for saying it again. Will fix it! :)

    permissionnode for cauldrons:
  22. Offline


    could you say me permissions note for Cauldrons plz ?
  23. Offline


    You have to be kidding me.

    It's in the post -RIGHT ABOVE-yours :p
    Redyugi and but2002 like this.
  24. Offline


    @GeMoschen eveerything "seems" to be working just fine. its just that minecart bug but thanks cant wait! u should hop on our teamspeak for a bit havent herd from you in a wile
  25. Offline


    How can I turn off any functions in this plugin?
    I've just delete .class files, but that's "too easy":D and console spaming errors, when trying to use deleted functions.
    So have I way to off functions?
  26. Offline


    Like what?
  27. Offline


    WTF? What are you talking about? :D Which function do you want to disable in which way?
  28. Offline


    Look, I use craftbook already, but I want to use falsebook too (for doors and cauldrons).
    If I use falsebook and craftbook together, I can't use gates, bridges and lifts normally.
    So, I want to turn off falsebook's gate, bridge and lift functions.

    Check previous reply.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  29. Offline


    why not get red of craftbook all together? false book has all of its stuff and then some
  30. Offline


    ok I'm very very confused here. What does Craftbook and Falsebook do? I've not see any kind of description for what the plug in does.
  31. Offline


    di u read the first post by the plugin maker man? u can "click" the "spoilers"

    well the easy way to do this is one of to way's not give users the permission nodes or look at the plugins config files to see what .jar does what then just not add that .jar file

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016

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