Filled Click to heal

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TheFatCake, May 13, 2016.

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    Plugin category: PVP

    Suggested name: FastHeal

    What I want: The ability to give a command to a certain entity that will let you heal when you right click it.
    A way to change how many hearts it heals by.

    Ideas for commands: /activate (itemheld)
    /deactivate (itemheld)
    /hart (ammount) (itemheld)

    Ideas for permissions: HealAct.(entity)
    Gives the player the command to heal with that block.

    When I'd like it by: I prefer Quality over time.
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    make up your mind lol
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    Same meaning. Item, Entity.
    Are you making the plugin?
  4. @TheFatCake
    I will attempt, it seems easy enough.. oh yeah and regarding:
    Will this amount differ per-player, or be same for everyone?

    Oh yeah, and same for the item... or entity.. or block..
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    Rather than it being different depending on a player, the /hart (ammount) (itemheld) command would affect the item being held.
    Ex: Pork = 4 Hearts
    Steak = 2 Hearts
  6. @TheFatCake
    Lastly, should the item disappear after use, or should it have a cooldown.. because other wise people could spam this and be un-killable
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    DFor example, if you have 5 steak. You right click one, you now have 4.
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    @TheFatCake In normal terminology, when you say 'block', you are referring to the breakable physical object in the world. When you say 'item', you are referring to the object that sits in your inventory. When you say 'entity', you are referring to anything that exists in the world that is not a block.
    If I hold a piece of redstone, it is an item. If I place it, it is a block. If I drop it, it is an entity.
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  11. Last edited: May 15, 2016
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    Awesome. Appreciate your help.
  13. @TheFatCake
    If it is done, do change the title so that it shows filled.
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