Solved Setting the join message doesn't work?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Astrophylite, Feb 13, 2016.

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  1. Hello,

    I'm trying to make it so there is no join message and it just keeps saying "<name> joined the game."
    Any ideas?

    CODE (open)

    2. @EventHandler
    3. public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) {
    4. e.setJoinMessage(null);
    6. Utils.sendHeaderAndFooter(e.getPlayer());
    8. Player p = e.getPlayer();
    9. UUID uuid = p.getUniqueId();
    10. try {
    11. ResultSet rs = MySQLHandler.returnStatement().executeQuery("SELECT * FROM login WHERE uuid = '" + uuid.toString() + "'");
    12. if(! {
    13. MessageManager.broadcastMessage("&7Welcome &5&l" + p.getName() + " &7to the server!");
    14. String sql = "INSERT INTO login(username, uuid, lastlogin) VALUES ('" + p.getName() + "', '" + p.getUniqueId() + "', '" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "')";
    15. MySQLHandler.returnStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
    16. } else {
    17. MySQLHandler.returnStatement().executeUpdate("UPDATE login SET username = '" + p.getName() + "', lastlogin = " + System.currentTimeMillis() + " WHERE uuid = '" + uuid.toString() + "'");
    18. }
    19. } catch (SQLException ex) {
    20. ex.printStackTrace();
    21. }
    22. }

  2. Offline



  3. That was just something I was trying because e.setJoinMessage(null) doesn't work...

    EDIT: Changing "" to null doesn't fix it ;-;
  4. Offline


    Try this:
    import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
    import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
    import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
    public class EventPlayerJoin implements Listener
        public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e)
            Player p = e.getPlayer();
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2016
  5. Offline


    @_zircon_ Did you register the event?
    Did you run your SQL queries off the main thread? No you did not :p
  6. Offline


    Signature, 1st sentence

    BTW.: I'm amazed, how many times I can use this
    dart2112 likes this.
  7. Yes, and there is no problem with the SQL queries. They work perfectly fine.

    I hate it when people spoonfeed...

    @aTmAggies The code doesn't work, it still says "IntristicMC joined the game" and I changed e.setJoinMessage(null) to e.setJoinMessage("Hi!") and removed the EventPriority..
  8. Offline


    The problem isn't with the SQL queries. It's the thread where you are running statements. You should run SQL code in a separate thread. Show us the code where you registered the event.
  9. Code:java
    2. public void onEnable() {
    3. // Create and clear the replyMap
    4. HashMap<String, String> replyMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    5. replyMap.clear();
    7. // Connect to the database
    8. MySQLHandler.connect();
    10. // Register the commands
    11. getCommand("ban").setExecutor(new CMDBan());
    12. getCommand("chatmode").setExecutor(new CMDChatMode());
    13. getCommand("clearchat").setExecutor(new CMDClearChat());
    14. getCommand("fly").setExecutor(new CMDFly());
    15. getCommand("history").setExecutor(new CMDHistory());
    16. getCommand("kick").setExecutor(new CMDKick());
    17. getCommand("maintenance").setExecutor(new CMDMaintenance());
    18. getCommand("message").setExecutor(new CMDMessage());
    19. getCommand("mute").setExecutor(new CMDMute());
    20. getCommand("nickname").setExecutor(new CMDNickname());
    21. getCommand("ping").setExecutor(new CMDPing());
    22. getCommand("report").setExecutor(new CMDReport());
    23. getCommand("staff").setExecutor(new CMDStaff());
    24. getCommand("tempban").setExecutor(new CMDTempBan());
    25. getCommand("tempmute").setExecutor(new CMDTempMute());
    26. getCommand("unban").setExecutor(new CMDUnBan());
    27. getCommand("unmute").setExecutor(new CMDUnMute());
    29. // Register the events
    30. Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new EVENTPlayerJoin(), this);
    31. Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new EVENTPlayerCommandPreprocess(), this);
    32. }
  10. Offline


    @_zircon_ are you running other plugins?
  11. Yeah, open the spoiler for a list :)
    Plugin List (open)

    ChromaCore*, WorldEdit, Essentials, EssentialsGeoIP, EssentialsChat, EssentialsAntiBuild, PermissionsEx, ChromaTags*, Vault, EssentialsSpawn, WorldGuard, ProtocolLib, MassiveCore, WhatIsIt, Factions, EssentialsProtect, floAuction, TabAPI

    * = Custom-coded plugin.
  12. Offline


    @_zircon_ Remove all except for the one you are making and then test it.
  13. I just moved them all into a "disabled" folder, then did /reload. The only plugin in the list is "ChromaCore" (the one I am making) and logged out and logged in, still doesn't work ;(
  14. Offline


    @_zircon_ any errors? What are you packaging in your plugin jar?
  15. I added the packaged plugins (ProtocolLib, TabAPI and PermissionsEx) but still not working...

    EDIT: Checked console and there is no errors either... In /plugins everything is enabled and present.
  16. Offline


    1. You should only package in your plugin files.
    2. Are you sure you are putting the plugin in the right directory and reloading/restarting?
  17. 1. I need to access TabAPI and PermissionsEx though?
    2. Yes, I am.
  18. Offline


    Get it from the plugins list
  19. Can you tell me how you would go about doing this?
  20. Offline


    It depends on the IDE you are using but you can import jars so you can reference them while developing but you don't have to (and you shouldn't in this case) package them in the jar.
  21. Offline


    Make sure to do this in your main class if your onPlayerJoinEvent class is separate:
    This is what I personally use!

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2016
  22. Offline


    Yeah the only thing you done right was registering the event.
  23. Oh, nevermind, I do only reference them..

    You even replied to my post where I said, "I hate it when people spoonfeed." ;-;

    @teej107 If he's done that wrong and that's the way I do it, can you tell me what you think I should do?
  24. The event is running ?
  25. Nope. I just added a message to send the player their UUID but it doesn't get sent.. I've registered the event correctly so I don't know anymore ;-;
  26. Offline


    @_zircon_ Your plugin actually enabling? Are there any errors when you join the server (Assuming the plugin loaded, else are there any errors about your plugin enabling)? Have you tried sending a message when the event runs to see if it's actually firing? Have you tried removing everything except for e.setJoinMessage(null); and testing like that then adding everything back when it works?
  27. My plugin is enabling and there are no errors when I join the server. There are no errors at all. I've tried sending a message to the player with their UUID but it doesn't work. I am going to try to remove everything and add it all back 1 by 1.. I'll edit the post with the updates.

    EDIT: Nope, nothing worked ;-;
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2016
  28. Try adding @Override on onEnable
    aTmAggies likes this.
  29. @MaTaMoR_
    Does @Override do anything? I've never used it before, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
  30. Offline


    It doesn't make a difference but it's still good to use incase you misspell the method or something.

    @_zircon_ Show us what you have packaged in your jar.
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